Math 65 Fall 2018 Schedule (Saturday)

 Name  Details  Due Date
 HW #1 Please read over all of chapter 5.


Please turn in problems from 5.1:

23-31 odd, 37-41 odd


Please work on multiplying time tables.


 October 6, 2018
 HW #2 5.2:  9 – 27 by 3.

5.2:  57, 59


5.3:  3 – 27 by 3.


Check at least three problems in 5.2 and 5.3


5.1:  17 – 21 odd

5.1:  43 – 47 odd


Look at worded problems in 5.2 and 5.3.


Test #1 on October 20, 2018.

 October 13, 2018
 HW #3  Test #1 on October 20, 2018.


See HW #3 for Tue/Thurs at this link.


 October 20, 2018

Please look at Math 65 Tues/Thurs link for all notes and homework assignments.  I plan to keep these the same.  If they are not the same, your assignment will be listed here.


Please look at the following link to see how your homework should look and to see the first problem worked.
