Welcome to my Japanese courses and the Education Abroad Capstone program (Summer 2023)!

はじめまして、バーケットです。バーケット先生とよんでください。Hajimemashite. Baaketto desu. Baaketto Sensei to yonde kudasai.

My life, teaching, and leadership philosophies are strongly rooted in an ecological worldview based on Japanese culture, art, and educational systems that emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, critical pedagogy, and emotional intelligence. Much like a Japanese garden, teaching is an ecological balance between carefully planned elements and natural elements. My philosophy for teaching is to create a non-threatening, learning community where all types of learning styles, backgrounds, modalities, literacies, and processes are welcomed and respected. My students make lifetime friends via JPN courses, and some graduates ended up living in Japan as college students/ entrepreneurs, etc. My courses are taught in an immersion style with a holistic approach.

If you are interested in education abroad programs,  please contact Education Abroad Program at anne.frey@pcc.edu.

The Summer 2023 Program:  Kyoto, Osaka, & Hiroshima

Tentative dates: 8/21-9/5/2023

Ed Abroad info sessions and First Steps videos

Summer 2023 Program Interest Form   (Use this form if you are interested)


For detailed information on Education Abroad Japanese Language Capstone (JPN103 & JPN212) in 2023, please go to https://www.pcc.edu/education-abroad/programs/japanese-language/



Course Content and Outcomes of Japanese Courses at Portland Community College


Yukari Birkett, Ed. D.
Portland Community College
PCC Education Abroad JPN program: Summer 2023 (Kyoto, Osaka, & Hiroshima). Please contact the PCC Education Abroad Program Team by visiting their webpage if you are interested.)