Develop a Comprehensive Transition Plan
PCC’s Comprehensive Transition Plan will establish a long-term and living plan to address accessibility barriers with the ultimate goal of providing an equitable experience for members of the PCC community. The Plan will outline priorities to assess and enhance college spaces over time, including physical, virtual, and programmatic. Priorities for the Plan will be guided by the desire to ensure that college spaces are inclusive, flexible, and accessible.
- A list of the barriers that limit the accessibility of programs, services, or activities.
- An outline of the efforts PCC will undertake to remove identified barriers including timelines.
- A list of the departments or leaders responsible for priorities identified in the Plan.
- Built Environment: Identify and prioritize removal of accessibility barriers within the built environment, such as transportation, parking, and paths of travel, restrooms, etc.
- Digital Environment: Identify and prioritize removal of accessibility barriers within the digital environment, including PCC websites, software, and digital/electronic instructional materials and content.
- Program Access: Identify and prioritize removal of accessibility barriers that limit full and equal participation in all programs, goods, services, and accommodations at PCC. This includes a review of patterns of discrimination or bias, college-wide policies/procedures, and aspects of the student and employee journey at PCC.
Timeline: A draft of the Comprehensive Transition Plan is anticipated in June of 2023. We would love your feedback! Community engagement efforts will take place in Spring of 2023.
The team working on the Transition Plan includes:
- Jennifer Gossett, ADA/504 Compliance Manager
- Anette Hassold, Program Specialist – ADA/504 Compliance
- Eric Blumenthal, Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance
- Heather Lang, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs
- Kaela Parks, Director of Accessible Ed & Disability Resources
- Julie Yeager Walker, Project Manager with Planning & Capital Construction
- Karol Ford, HR ADA Coordinator
- Amos Hammar, Accessible Technology Manager for Accessible Ed & Disability Resources
- Sarah Rose Evans, Strategic Planning Coordinator
For questions, please contact Jennifer Gossett [opens in new window], the ADA/504 Compliance Manager, at [opens in new window].