Behavioral clarification plans

Is a student in class causing a disruption to the learning environment? Are other students’ learning being impacted by another student in class? Is a student not following guidelines that have been outlined in your syllabus? If any of these are the case, the next step may be to write a behavior clarification plan. The Student Conduct and Community Support Coordinators are here to help!

Behavior clarification plans are designed to help students meet college classroom expectations when a student is struggling to follow guidelines outlined in class or in the syllabus. If you have already spoken with and/or emailed the student and the behavior has not been corrected, a behavior clarification plan may be the best next step.

Potential behaviors that could warrant a behavior clarification plan as a next step include (but are not limited to):

  • Asking an excessive amount of questions that do not relate to the topic of discussion.
  • Consistent interruption of the instructor during teaching times.
  • Refusal to work on a team when this is required for you class.
  • Overutilization of campus resource(s).
  • Emails or other communications that may be excessive, frequent, or persistent in volume, beyond the scope of course content, tone, language usage, content, etc.
  • Showing up late to class or leaving early on a consistent basis.