Behavior clarification meeting guidelines
Talking about student behavior expectations
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1. Welcome and introductions
- Say hello and make any necessary introductions.
2. Explain why you are meeting today
- We want you to be successful at PCC and in this class.
- When a student registers for a class, they are expectations such as policies and regulations of the College – specifically the Student Code of Conduct.
- We are here to discuss concerning behaviors you exhibited that are (identify appropriate type):
- Disruptive in the classroom.
- Not following directives, rules, or policies.
- Not meeting behavioral expectations.
- Describe the observed behaviors that cause concern and how they impact the classroom or learning environment. Be specific and descriptive. Avoid interpretation of motives or other speculation.
3. Listen to the student’s perspective of the incident
- “Please tell me your thoughts about your behavior in these incidents.”
- Ask questions such as:
- How could you have responded differently in this situation?
- What is a better way to respond if this arises again?
- What techniques or strategies do you use or have to help in these situations?
- What support systems do you have in place?
- How can I help in clarifying the expectations and/or with referring you to resources or services that might aid you with these expectations?
4. Explain expected behaviors
- Describe specific behaviors that are required in order for the student to meet classroom standards. These expected behaviors should be specific to the student and the situation.
- Here are a few examples of language to use in the clarification plan.
- When you disagree with others in the class, be mindful of the impact on others.
- Approach the instructor before or after class with questions about class content rather than interrupt in the middle of class.
- Compliance with instructor’s requests and directions.
- Wait to be called on before you speak out in class or interrupt others.
- When you begin to feel upset (or anxious) in class, you will step outside for a few minutes.
- Send the student a follow-up email summarizing the discussion and behavior expectations. Note what will occur if the expectations are not met.
5. Notify of further action if behavior is not changed
- If the student has not met the behaviors outlined, you may ask the student not to return to class until this matter is resolved. You should provide the next steps, which include who will be contacting them to resolve this matter and how to complete the work academically.
- Reach out to the Student Conduct and Community Support Coordinators that you have been working with to discuss next steps.
6. Provide possible resources or referrals
- Consult with the Student Conduct and Community Support Coordinators about possible resources.
From the Student Code of Conduct
If a student is engaging in disruptive behavior, a course instructor may temporarily restrict a student’s participation in class or temporarily block access to the digital learning management system. Before allowing the student to return to class, the instructor, department chair, and/or division dean will clarify with the student the behavioral standards that must be met in order to continue in the class. This clarification will occur as expeditiously as possible, preferably before the next class session or equivalent. During the period of restriction, the student must be provided the opportunity to maintain access to the educational or course content. Instructors must facilitate an alternate method for this to occur. A Student Conduct and Community Support Coordinators can provide consultation and coordination throughout the classroom management process.
If the disruptive behavior is not resolved through the clarification process, the situation must be referred to the Student Conduct and Community Support Coordinators. Any permanent removal from class must be in accordance with the procedures of this Code.
Student Conduct and CARE: faculty and staff resources
For more information, refer to Student Conduct and CARE at PCC.