Student Code of Conduct: quick view
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Each member of the PCC community must adhere to a code of responsible behavior. This document communicates the expectations that PCC has of students, and is intended to educate and guide students to understand their responsibilities. This Code is aligned with the College’s Non-Discrimination Statement and shall not be administered in a discriminatory manner. Every effort will be made to balance the needs and rights of the individual with the welfare of the community as a whole.
The Student Code of Conduct violations include:
A. Academic Misconduct
The act of cheating, fabrication and plagiarism. Examples: Looking at another person’s exam, making-up lab results, and failing to cite sources in a paper.
B. Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco
Students may not use, possess, deliver, sale or be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs on College premises. PCC is a Tobacco Free College – see the College’s Tobacco Free policy
C. Assault, Endangerment, and Intimidation
Physical Contact or non-physical contact that disrupts a person from engaging in College activities.
D. Disruptive Behavior
Engaging in behavior that disrupts PCC functions (i.e. interrupting teaching, campus activities or College services).
E. Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with the reasonable request of a College official.
F. Falsification of Information
Knowingly furnishing false information to an authorized College Official; representing oneself as another person; or altering, forging or improperly possessing another’s College identification card.
G. Fire and Life Safety
Tampering with fire safety equipment, generating a false alarm, or engaging in behavior that constitutes a fire or safety hazard.
H. Harassment
Unreasonable insults, gestures, or abusive words directed to another person that may reasonably cause emotional distress.
I. Hazing
Initiation rites involving any intentional action that a reasonable person would foresee as causing mental or physical discomfort or embarrassment.
J. Property Theft and/or Damage
Stealing or damaging College property.
K. Recording
Recording without the consent of another individual; no recording in College locker rooms or restrooms.
L. Retaliation
Acting out against an individual who has reported, provided information or participated in an investigation.
M. Sexual Misconduct
See College’s Gender-based and Sexual Misconduct Policy [pdf].
N. Stalking
Repeatedly contacting another person when the contact is knowingly unwanted.
O. Unauthorized Access
Possessing a key to a College space or being in a College space you should not be.
P. Violation of College Policy
Any violation of any College policy, rule or regulation that is posted by a College official or on the College’s website.
Q. Violation of Law and Regulation
Any violations of federal, state or local law that interferes with or poses a risk to the College.
R. Weapons and Dangerous Materials
Possession, use, or threatened use of a weapon, ammunition, or any object or substance used as a weapon.
The full text of PCC’s Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedures is available online on the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook page.