Transfer credits to PCC

Get credit for work you’ve done at other schools! To transfer credits from other colleges, universities, and test scores from exams, follow the steps below. For other types of learning, see credit for prior learning.

  1. Send official transcripts

    Have your previous school send official transcripts to PCC Student Records.

    • Electronic delivery: the best way to send transcripts. Transcripts must be sent directly from your previous school to [opens in new window]. We can’t accept transcripts sent directly from students.
    • Paper delivery: sent directly from your previous school in a sealed envelope. Mail to:
      PCC Student Records
      PO Box 19000
      Portland, OR 97280-0990
  2. Request evaluation

    Once we get your transcripts, request a transfer credit evaluation in MyPCC.

  3. Watch your email

    You’ll get a message in your PCC email when the evaluation is complete. See the “Credit Acceptance” section below for details about our credit evaluation standards.

graduation cap
Close to graduating?

If you’re not registered this term and your transferred credits will complete your degree or certificate, submit an application for graduation [pdf] so we can evaluate your record.

How long does it take?

We evaluate transcripts on a first-come, first-served basis. Turnaround time depends on the volume of requests and factors such as end-of-term awarding. While you’re waiting, you can submit an unofficial transcript for a prerequisite override.

Credit acceptance

Some common standards for credit acceptance:

  • Courses must be passed with grade C- or better. (P and S grades are transferable if the issuing school defines them as C- or better.)
  • Initially, we evaluate lower division collegiate (LDC) coursework. See the catalog for more about LDC coursework.
    We evaluate upper division coursework on student request.
    Career technical coursework (CTE) may transfer on departmental approval.
  • If you are undeclared, we only transfer credits needed to meet standard prerequisites, or other commonly used preparatory coursework in a subject (e.g. Biology).
  • For AP exam standards, see advanced placement.
  • For IB exam standards, see international baccalaureate.
  • For international credits, see evaluation of foreign transcripts.
  • Credits from other accredited schools (schools that have accreditation other than regional) will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Syllabi will be required for evaluation. Transfer credit is not guaranteed.

View your credits

Once the evaluation is complete, your unofficial transcript in MyPCC shows transferred courses. If a course did not transfer as you expected, please review our standards for credit acceptance (see above). If you still have questions, please contact us.

  • Why are some of my transfer courses listed as 1XX or 2XX?
    If a course is not directly equivalent to a PCC course, we assign 1XX or 2XX in the closest subject area. Often, these courses still meet specific PCC degree requirements.
  • Why do grades from my transfer classes have a ‘T’ in front of them?
    This means the course was transferred to PCC. For example, a ‘B’ earned at another school will appear as ‘TB’ on your unofficial PCC transcript. These grades will not appear on your official transcript. Instead, your PCC transcript will show a summary of the total credits transferred.
  • Will my transferred grades affect my GPA?
    Transfer grades are not included in your GPA on PCC transcripts.