Earth Week 2019

PCC Earth Week - April 22-27, 2019


Featured Speakers

Jo Ann Hardesty

Jo Ann Hardesty

Monday, April 22: 11am-12 noon, Cascade Student Union Lounge

Jo Ann Hardesty is a Portland City Commissioner committed to building a livable and sustainable city with all Portlanders and for all Portlanders, through transparency, accountability, and opportunity.

Maria Hernandez SegovianoMaria Hernandez Segoviano, the Policy Advocate for OPAL

Monday, April 22: 12-1pm, Rock Creek Event Center

In collaboration with Semana de la Raza, we are excited to co-host Maria for the opening event at Rock Creek. Maria is the Policy Advocate for OPAL and her talk is titled Real and False Solutions in Environmental Justice, focusing on the resiliency of communities of color, particularly Latinx communities in the face of environmental racism. The event is from 11am-2pm and Maria will speak at noon. Space is limited, please Reserve your spot.

Featured Workshops

Jade District Air Quality Community Art Workshop

Daniel Granias

Tuesday, April 23: 1-3pm, Southeast Mt. Tabor, Great Hall

Local placemaking artist, Daniel Granias, will host an interactive discussion and community art workshop focusing on air quality and diesel pollution at the Southeast Campus in the Great Hall. Participants will gather in conversation around pollution – talking in groups about causes, impacts, and possible actions we can take as a community to make a difference. Granias is visiting different schools and community organizations in the Jade District of Southeast Portland to create a community placemaking art piece together. Participants will contribute to a tapestry, incorporating up-cycled materials such as plastic bags, disposable face masks, and other pollution-related disposable objects that can be woven into the “network”. Each workshop will create a section of the final art piece that will be displayed in our community.

BARK Student’s Forest ForumBARK Organization Logo

Thurs. April 25: 9am-12 noon, Cascade TH 122 and 1-4pm, Cascade TH 112

The forest plays a crucial role in determining the future livability of our region and the PNW at large. With mounting political obstacles to ecologically-based management, the public must create our own effective and transparent avenues to take responsibility for the future of Mt. Hood National Forest. Join local forest defense activists for presentations on forest ecology and management in the era of climate change followed by breakout sessions to help students develop a vision of their role in protecting the forest. Both sessions will be the same.

Featured Art Displays: Justseeds Artist Cooperative Portfolios

Portfolios of art prints by Justseeds artists and allies that address social and environmental issues. Each portfolio is an educational tool, a gesture of solidarity, and a thing of beauty. Different portfolios on display at each campus in April.It's All Connected

Cascade Campus, Student Union – Wellspring

Wellspring is a portfolio of twelve original risograph prints celebrating water.

Rock Creek Campus, Building 5 – No al Cambio Climatico! Ante la destruction, organizate

This portfolio was created by Escuela de Cultura Popular Martires del 68 from Mexico City in resistance to climate change.

Sylvania Campus, Upper CC Mall – Resourced

Resourced is a collaborative portfolio of prints addressing resource extraction and resulting social inequalities.

Southeast, Great Hall – We Are the Storm

We Are the Storm is a collection of prints created in solidarity with frontline communities in resistance to climate change.

Featured Campaign: Ban the Sale of Single-Use Plastics!

Each campus will host tabling sessions, film screenings, and petition signings focused on cutting out plastic pollution at PCC. Learn more about the steps you and PCC can take and enter into a drawing for a 4Ocean recycled ocean plastic bracelet!

Featured Contest: PCC Presents GET TRASHED!

Join the ASPCC Upcycling Contest! The deadline is April 23. The first-place winner will receive a free hotel weekend at the Vintage Trails Resort. There are also two honorable mention prizes of $100 to New Seasons.