Wildflower Display Garden

Wildflower Display Garden

Wildflower Display Garden
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In Spring 2010, Erin August was working with the PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team and began to dream about creating a Wildflower Display Garden. Erin wanted to show others that gardening with native plants, known as naturescaping, is beautiful, fulfilling, and better for the environment. This garden, adjacent to the Performing Arts Center, is where her dream became a reality.

Erin loves gardening. Erin enjoys first assessing the site, planning what plants should go where, being outside, planting and getting dirty, and observing the garden as it grows and evolves into a healthy ecosystem.

Using native plants in a garden has many benefits. Native plants, adapted to the local area, require less water, fertilizer, and maintenance than traditional garden plants. They also provide food and habitat for native animals such as swallowtail butterflies and song sparrows. Planting native plants increases the biological diversity of an area. More diversity protects against diseases and builds a more resilient community.

Rhododendrons, columbines, huckleberries, roses, violets, and lilies are native to the Portland Metro area and make lovely additions to an urban garden. Stroll through the garden on your way to the bookstore and enjoy the beauty and peacefulness of a garden full of native plants.

  • Title: Wildflower Display Garden
  • Built: 2012
  • Location: Sylvania Campus, East Side of the PAC Building.
  • Directions: Sylvania Campus, West of Parking Lot 14
  • Categories: Plant