About Sustainability at PCC

Poppie Broadforking the gardenPoppie at the farm standPoppie hugging a treePoppie and Briar with Bee Campus USA shirtPoppie at Bike ShedPoppie holds a green preserve 2 go containerPoppie holding vegetables at the Learning GardenPoppie with bike

At PCC we’re all in this together. Issues of environmental degradation, inequity, and economic disparity impact us all. That’s why PCC takes a dynamic, collaborative approach to sustainability, weaving triple-bottom line thinking throughout our strategic planningcampus operations, student initiatives, and academics.

PCC recognizes the role that higher education plays in leading the charge towards a sustainable future and formally adopted the PCC Board of Directors Sustainable Use of Resources Policy (B-707) in 2006. Since then, the college has strengthened its commitments to sustainability, developed three iterations of its Climate Action Plan and have taken significant strides to reduce its environmental footprint and promote education for sustainable development.

