
Compost bins Sylvania Composting Survey
Sylvania Composts? Please help Sylvania Campus by sharing your opinions regarding composting on campus. If you would, please fill out […] Posted February 26, 2015
Carpool to School
Eco-Tip: Does Ride Share save me money and help the world? YES! In addition to the savings in gas you […] Posted February 26, 2015
Free upcycling E-Centers Free Upcycle Event: Flower Bombs and Bird Feeders
What a good turnout to the UpCycling event this week hosted by the Sylvania Campus Environmental Center. Bird-seed feeders and flower […] Posted February 26, 2015
Award Rock Creek Science and Technology Department got Bronze!
Way to go Rock Creek Science and Technology department in becoming a certified Green Office at the bronze level! They are now […] Posted February 26, 2015
PCC written with pumpkins Rock Creek Hiring a Garden Educator
Rock Creek is hiring a Learning Garden Educator. This job is an Americorps position, which Rock Creek would like to […] Posted February 18, 2015
Magnet Donate Your Old Refrigerator Magnets by February 20th!
Donate your old refrigerator magnets! Have you found yourself staring at a large flat magnet designed to advertise something? You […] Posted February 18, 2015
Volunteers Volunteer Opportunity on the Cob Oven Project (Feb 17, 18, 27 & 28)
This has been an ongoing project and last week they worked on finishing the retaining wall, dig post holes and spread […] Posted February 18, 2015
Hard Drive Smashing Event Lets Smash Some Hard Drives! (Feb 25th)
If you’re ready to part ways with that old, useless hard drive, but you need to make sure your information […] Posted February 16, 2015
Volunteers Friday the 13th Work Party!
The next work party will be held on Friday, February 13th, between 9:00am-2:00pm at the Sylvania Campus Learning Garden. Turn superstition around […] Posted February 12, 2015
Cold DIY Cold Remedy
It’s that time of season again! Runny nose, congestion, cough, you name it, it’s after you or worse it got […] Posted February 4, 2015