Bee Campus USA

Pollinators at Portland Community College

Bees on an apiarty shelfBees and other pollinators – butterflies, hummingbirds, flies, beetles, and wasps – are an integral part of healthy ecosystems. These pollinators spread pollen to help plants reproduce, promoting biodiversity.

Worldwide, many pollinator species are suffering. Worker bee colonies are particularly in danger as they are affected by colony collapse disorder, a phenomenon that has already resulted in the death of approximately 50% of bee hives in North America. That’s why PCC is dedicated to promoting pollinator health.

In addition to addressing climate change and phasing out destructive chemical pesticides and herbicides, small-scale beekeeping is a critical tool to help address our current bee crisis. Responsible beekeeping provides safe spaces for bees to thrive.

The Rock Creek Campus established an on-campus apiary, which serves as both an educational tool for campus programs and also as a platform for academic research about bees, their habitats, and threats to pollinator persistence. We have since expanded this program to the Sylvania campus, with two hives at the learning garden spring through fall. In addition, we have “boutique” mason bee hotels at our Rock Creek Campus, Sylvania Campus, and Newberg Center to provide habitat for our local solitary bees as well!

PCC is proud to be certified as an affiliate of the Bee Campus USA program.

Beekeeping at PCC

The Rock Creek Campus Apiary
The Sylvania Campus Apiary
Mason Bee Boutique Hotels
BroodMinder: Technology for Bee Education
Bee Tree Camera: Inner Workings
How we use Flow Hive to feed students

Bee Campus USA Certified
Getting involved