Learning Gardens

Here at PCC, we have a learning garden on each campus and at our Newberg Center. These spaces are always open to PCC students, staff and faculty with various work parties and volunteer opportunities. PCC Learning Gardens provide students the opportunity for hands-on outdoor learning as well as fresh food growing in the gardens. Reach out to learning-gardens@pcc.edu [opens in new window] for more information.

Garlic harvest with volunteers in the Learning GardenCascade Urban Learning Garden breaks ground!

Learning Garden Mission

The Portland Community College Learning Gardens are safe, welcoming, educational spaces that were built for and by students. The gardens promote interdisciplinary academic achievement, leadership development, curricular and co-curricular opportunities and model sustainable food systems through dynamic and responsive hands-on education. These living classrooms work to offer equity-centered learning opportunities, cultivate a sense of belonging and promote community on campus in our support of food sovereignty.


Seed Giveaways

Lets collaborate on building your dream garden! Relax with us through tea and herbs from your learning garden, explore resources, and collect seeds! Swaps encouraged.

  • Wednesday, March 19, 12-4pm @ Southeast Campus Library
  • Thursday, March 20, 12-4pm @ Cascade Campus Library
Community Food Forest Tree Planting

Thursday, April 3rd, 10am – 5pm @ SE Learning Garden

Help us plant a Fruiting Food Forest in the PCC SE Learning Garden! The forest will supply local food pantries and community. Join a conversation on the rich history of Japanese farmers of East Portland and learn about fruit trees, native plants, and community
gardening!! Lots of different tasks available, there is something for everyone and no experience is necessary. Snacks & lunch provided! No sign up, just drop in. This is a Community Event with PCC Learning Gardens, APANO and Friends of Trees.


All are welcome to stop by the gardens at the below times to volunteer your time. No experience or tools necessary. We are excited to welcome volunteers back! Starting March 31st:

  • Cascade Campus: Tuesdays 11am-2pm and Thursdays 11am-3pm
  • Newberg Center: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am-1pm
  • Rock Creek Campus: Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm
  • Southeast Campus: Mondays 11am-3pm and Wednesdays 11am-2pm
  • Sylvania Campus: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-3pm and Fridays 10am-2pm


Please see the PCC Work Study page for available positions or email sustainability@pcc.edu [opens in new window]. Please note that not all positions may be available at this time.

Now Hiring at some gardens! Check out the PCC Job Board.


Environmental Center

The PCC Environmental Center promotes sustainability, education, and action. We invite students to protect and sustain our local and global community. Email peter.ritson@pcc.edu [opens in new window] if you have any questions.

Rock Creek Garden Community Plots

Calling all gardeners! Interested in caring for a plot in the community beds at the Rock Creek Campus Learning Garden? Sign-up info coming soon.

Panther Pantries

We know that keeping students fed is imperative to equitable student success, that diverting food waste lowers PCC’s carbon impact, and that projects like the Learning Garden and Food Forests build community resilience to the impacts of Climate Change.

Panther Pantries are on all four comprehensive campuses and provide food for students in need: Cascade (Cascade Hall, Room 102); Rock Creek (Building 5, Room 113); Southeast (Mt. Tabor Building, Room 152); and Sylvania (CC Building, Room 215).

Visit the food pantry website for current schedule updates.


We have five learning gardens across the district that are open to the PCC community. If you need help finding the learning gardens, below are the locations!


Cascade and Southeast Learning Garden

Photo of Moonrose the Rock Creek Garden Coordinator

Moonrose Doherty (They/Them, Elle) – Learning Garden Coordinator

Moonrose loves being part of community change, the tending of plants, and the sharing of knowledge. As the Learning Garden Coordinator for the Cascade and Southeast gardens, they focus on providing students access to free, healthy food from the gardens through donations to the PCC Panther Pantries, programming around food sovereignty, and events & workshops in the gardens. Moonrose grew up food insecure and knows the barriers and stigmas. They are passionate about students positively accessing food and all things food justice related. Moonrose previously managed the PCC Newberg Center and Rock Creek Learning Gardens focusing on community-building and food liberation through hands-on education and knowledge-sharing. They sometimes teach PCC Community Ed classes on Companion Planting, Organic Gardening, and Native Plant Garden Design. Moonrose is also a small-scale, urban farmer, medicine-maker, dancer, poet and landscaper. Recently, they furthered their medicine craft and learned tinctures, oxymels, and salves. Moonrose feels safest, wildest, and most grounded when in community with plants and sharing knowledge with people. They also enjoy rollerskating, backpacking, and swimming in rivers. Find them in the garden and come say Hi. Contact moonrose.doherty@pcc.edu [opens in new window].

Photo of Hailey Swain Learning Garden Coordinator

Hailey Swain – Learning Garden Assistant

Hailey has been working in urban school gardens across the city since graduating from high school in 2019. They’re passionate about showing people how to grow fresh food within the city to promote sustainability,  accessibility, and community. Contact hailey.swain@pcc.edu [opens in new window]

Newberg Center Learning Garden

Stephanie Romero headshot

Stephanie Romero – Learning Garden Coordinator

Stephanie Romero is a PCC graduate, and grew up in a small, beautiful town in Oregon that is surrounded by agriculture. She was actively involved in caring for and planting acres of apple, filbert, and walnut orchards as well as wine grapes while working in an Oregon fruit and nut orchard with her father. Now, as PCC Newberg Center’s Learning Garden Coordinator, she is sharing her knowledge with students and the community through fun, educational events and activities. She believes learning about growing natural, organic foods is very important, and I would like to inspire future generations to use sustainable gardening techniques.

Contact stephanie.romero@pcc.edu [opens in new window]

Rock Creek Learning Garden

Miriam Latzer

Miriam Latzer (she/her) – Learning Garden Coordinator

Miriam brings over 12 years of experience running small, certified naturally grown farms in the Hudson Valley of New York. She earned a Master’s Degree in Environmental Land Use Planning from Rutgers University in New Jersey. Before coming to PCC, she worked with public school communities in New York City to pilot school-based farm shares that will continue with a beginning farmer at the helm. She also worked as an assistant grower and educational coordinator for the Poughkeepsie Farm Project located on the Vassar college campus. Her ties to Portland stretch back to 1998 when she served as an AmeriCorps member and grew vegetables on the grounds of the Northeast Emergency Food Program. She’s glad to return to the area and provide her expertise to our Learning Garden and sustainability efforts. Contact miriam.latzer@pcc.edu [opens in new window]

Sylvania Environmental Center and Learning Garden

Peter Ritson

Peter Ritson – Learning Garden Coordinator

Dr. Peter Ritson, has over 30 years of educational experience at university, community college and K12 providing education, leadership and direction for programs and services for students. Since 2014, Peter has served as the Environmental Center Coordinator and Sylvania Learning Garden Coordinator at Portland Community College. Peter is an accomplished environmental scientist and educator. With a deep passion for sustainability, environmental education and equity, Peter has dedicated his career to fostering a greater understanding, appreciation of the natural world and fostering access and opportunities for all.

Dr. Ritson’s work is characterized by his commitment to experiential learning and community involvement. He believes that by connecting people with nature and providing them with the knowledge and tools to make sustainable choices, we can collectively create a healthier, more resilient environment for future generations. Contact peter.ritson@pcc.edu [opens in new window]

Student Sustainability Hub

Find volunteer opportunities and more on our Student Sustainability Hub!