PCC, Sustain Me! A Higher Education Sustainability and Environmental Justice Podcast

PCC, Sustain Me! Podcast

PCC-Sustain-Me-radical logoSo, what is PCC, Sustain Me! all about? I’m glad you asked. Here’s the scoop:From one of the leading sustainability institutions in higher education comes a podcast for students, staff, and faculty of colleges as well everyday people. It will take an earnest but lighthearted look at ways to focus on improving sustainability and environmental justice initiatives across the globe. The show is hosted by Joe Culhane, a PCC student, and the district Sustainability Communications Coordinator. The program will focus directly on PCC and its sustainability and environmental justice initiatives and achievements and will also include a series of interviews and stories woven in there from other higher education institutions/politicians/non-profits sharing the highlights of their recent achievements, current initiatives, successes and failures, and taking a look back on what they’d do differently.

Sustainable Development GoalsThe objective of this podcast will be to provide both an entertaining and accessible outlet for learning about how colleges across the country and the globe are making a difference in the world through environmental sustainability, social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work. Ultimately the idea is to create an archive of initiatives, best practices, and actions with both concrete evidence of successes and failures along with anecdotal stories that connect more to that deep integral part of us all that loves a good story. Another aspect of this podcast that we strive to achieve is showing how it relates to, and raise awareness around, the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It’s also a platform and outlet for the voices in our communities whose voices have not been traditionally heard. This is the element of social justice that is most needed these days and this program offers an opportunity to share stories and the voices of marginalized and oppressed people and groups who are the ones who are likely going to be providing the solutions and leadership needed as we move forward.

GPSEN Greater Portland RCEThis podcast is also a resource that is part of the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN), which is a Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) which is part of a global network that is now comprised of 166 RCEs. Here’s an explanation of the RCE vision & mission:

In 2003, in response to the UN resolution on the UNDESD, the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) launched the ESD project, with funding support from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. The ESD project designs and implements research and development activities through two flagship initiatives: a global multi-stakeholder global network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD (RCEs) and a network of higher education institutions called the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network (prosper.net).

Logo_regional center of expertiseMoving forward, UNESCO has now presented the Roadmap for Implementing the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD with its five priority areas of action: advancing policy by mainstreaming ESD, transforming learning and training environments using the whole-institution approach, building capacities of educators and trainers, empowering and mobilizing youth, and finally accelerating sustainable solutions at the local level. At all levels of society, RCEs play a crucial role in implementing these goals using their local knowledge and global network.

As of September 2018, 166 RCEs have officially been acknowledged by the United Nations University worldwide. The Global RCE Service Centre is headquartered at UNU-IAS, where it provides assistance to individual RCEs and facilitates their communication and networking.

Joe Culhane, PCC, Sustain Me! Podcast poster

PCC Podcast RCE AwardJoe has presented about the podcast and advocated for other Higher Education Institutions to create their own podcasts at AASHE 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA, NAAEE 2018 in Spokane, WA, and at the 11th Global RCE Conference: Education for the Sustainable Development Goals in Cebu, Philippines where the podcast received an RCE Recognition Award and was acknowledged as a flagship project by the Global RCE’s and United Nations University.

Click Here ToListen! PCC, Sustain Me!