Project PowerShift FAQ

Which computers will be shut down?

Only administrative / staff computers are included in the initiative at this time. This will not impact instructional computers.

Will this also affect my laptop?

Yes, all PCC Employee workstations will be included in this power savings measure.

When will the initiative begin?

Nightly shutdowns were reinstated on August 1, 2023.

During what hours will the computers be powered off?

Staff  computers will shut down at 11pm. On nights when security patches and other updates are scheduled, they will be turned on and remain on when the updates are complete. On nights when no updates are scheduled, they will remain off until powered on by a user.

What if I need to use my computer after 11pm or remote-in to it from home?

If you believe your computer cannot be turned off at 11pm nightly, please complete an Exception Request.

How will this help the college?

We expect to see over $80,000 in savings and reduce our emissions by roughly 1,317 metric tons annually. That’s equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of 197 houses.

What else can I do to help?

Beat us to it and save even more precious resources!  Turn off your computer at the end of each work day. Find out more about how you can support sustainability program and what’s happening at your location on our Sustainability Site.

What if I have other questions?

Feel free to email or call 971-722-4400 with any further questions.

Will this affect me using Google mail and other apps from home?

Your access to PCC systems and services like email will not be affected by this process.