Rain Garden Near Parking Lot 5

Rain Garden Near Parking Lot 5Rain Gardens are a practical way of handling rainwater that runs off of building rooftops and hard surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete. Currently, PCC Sylvania has two rain gardens and more are planned. One garden is on the north end of campus near the soccer field’s north goalpost that is intended to catch water coming off the roof covering the Salmon Cobb Bench in the Learning Garden. The other is on the south end of campus where the sideway that passes the bus stops intersects with G Street, and is intended to catch water from the surrounding area.

  • Title: Rain Garden near Parking Lot 5
  • Built: 2009
  • Location: Sylvania Campus, East Side of the South Entrance to Parking Lot 5.
  • Directions: From the CC building, walk toward the main parking lots and turn right on the sidewalk with the
    bus stops. The South Rain Garden will be on your left across the entrance to parking lot 5 from G street.
  • Categories: Plant, Water