Greenscape & Outdoor Spaces

**This page is currently being updated**

Greenery on campus is important to our health and brings the community together. PCC is committed to planting native, pollinator-friendly landscaping across the college. Buildings with views to the outdoors and nature are important to PCC to maintain our communities’ connection with nature, even when indoors.

Native Planting

Native plants occur naturally in the place where they evolved without the intervention of non-indigenous peoples. These plants require less maintenance and resource inputs, since they would naturally grow in the environment they’re placed. This reduces the amount of resources used, such as water and fertilizer, and supports natural habitats.

Outside Views to Nature

Through large windows, building occupants have a direct line of sight to the outdoors. Connecting with the outdoors is important when inside to improve human health, wellbeing and comfort.

This image describes the sign for Outside Views To Nature.