Printing (Panther Print)

Managed Printing Services (MPS) by Xerox, branded Panther Print is a printing infrastructure management tool. Panther Print/Xerox MPS monitor and allows control over printers, their output, supplies and support, document usage, and the people and processes that intersect with each of these. MPS helps PCC gain visibility and control of document printing and costs across the district. This ultimately saves money, automates steps, boosts productivity, and improves document security and environmental sustainability.

While toner and support for the printer is managed by MPS/Panther Print , printer paper is managed and supplied by the department that owns the printer.

Most PCC network printers have been automatically enrolled in Panther Print. Panther Print managed print services is owned and maintained by the PCC Print Center.


  • Department-level billing and reporting
  • Direct ship of printing consumables
  • College-wide savings on print management

Service availability


Service owner

Print Center

At a glance

Who uses this service

Employees, Faculty

Get help

For more information or technical assistance, contact the IT Service Desk