Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud provides apps, web services, and resources for all your creative projects – photography, graphic design, video editing, UX design, drawing and painting, social media, and more.

For PCC employees, a license is automatically applied to the PCC account. PCC students who are taking courses involving Adobe CC software have been provided licenses through their instructors.

Note: Employees and Students can only be logged into 2 devices at the same time.

Logging into your PCC Adobe CC Account from a personal computer

Logging into Adobe CC from a PCC Computer Classroom or Lab

Adobe Installation steps

There are different steps depending on the type of device you’re installing Adobe CC on.


  • Enterprise License
  • Adobe Cloud storage

Service availability


Service owner

Enterprise Applications

At a glance

Who uses this service

Employees, Faculty, Students

Log in to Adobe Creative Cloud »Log in using your PCC email address and MyPCC password
Get help

For more information or technical assistance, contact the IT Service Desk