Title IX support resources
We can help
If you or someone you know is experiencing discrimination at PCC, please let us know:
If you are in danger, contact:
- Emergency Dispatch, 911
- PCC Public Safety, 971-722-4444
To speak with someone confidentially, please contact the Outreach and Advocacy Project or Counseling Services.
PCC’s goal is to provide an atmosphere that encourages people to realize their full potential. All members of our community deserve to learn and work in a fair and safe environment — and we take this responsibility seriously.
People experiencing gender-based violence including relationship abuse, sexual violence, harassment, and stalking may feel pressure to drop a class, question their ability to succeed at work or school, and experience physical and psychological distress. Overall, these types of harm cause an unhealthy working and learning environment.
Gender-based violence including relationship abuse, sexual violence, harassment, and stalking can affect people regardless of sex, gender identity, national origin, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, education level, economic security, ability, or any other identity. We see you, you do not have to face these difficulties alone, and we may be able to help.
Information and support for gender-based violence and stalking
At PCC we strive to provide a space that supports people to reach their goals. All members of our community deserve to learn and work in a safe space.
If you or someone you know have experienced dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and harassment we may be able to offer support.
Your rights at PCC
- You have the right to learn and work in a safe environment.
- You have the right to access supportive measures and confidential services. PCC offers confidential support services that can connect you with on- and off-campus resources.
- You have the right to file a report. People who report incidents of gender-based violence are protected by the law and PCC policy from facing any negative consequences or retaliation for speaking up. This means that if they report something, nobody can harm or punish them in return for doing the right thing.
- You have the right to a prompt and fair investigation. Reports of gender-based violence may result in an investigation by the college. If there is an investigation, the College uses a preponderance of the evidence standard (more likely than not), provides you with notice of all investigatory meetings, time and space to share your personal account, the right to present evidence, name witnesses, and ask questions about the process to the investigator.
You can find additional rights and more information on the Title IX main page.
Report options on campus
Many staff and faculty are responsible employees, which means that if they receive a disclosure of gender-based violence they must report the information to the Title IX Coordinator who may follow up with the student. This report to the Title IX Coordinator could result in an on-campus Title IX investigation. In these situations, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed but will be respected as much as possible.
You can choose to report incidents of gender-based violence to PCC or local law enforcement. If you report to PCC, a staff member designated by the Title IX Coordinator or confidential advocacy will contact you to discuss your options including supportive measures and formal or informal response.
How to make a report
We encourage anyone who wants to make a report, including employees, students, and community members to report online:
- Report online: report an incident (includes anonymous options)
- Report directly: if you have any questions, or would prefer to make a report directly to a person, please contact one of the offices below:
- Title IX Coordinator, titleix@pcc.edu [opens in new window], Charisse Loughery
- Public Safety, publsafe@pcc.edu [opens in new window]
- 971-722-4902 (non-emergency)
- 971-722-4444 (emergency)
If you decide to report harm to PCC officials, you have the right to choose how your report is handled, with only a few limitations. To know more about these limitations, you can reach out to the Title IX Coordinator or confidential campus services.
Support: confidential resources at PCC
If you need to talk to someone but do not want to officially file a report, you can find confidential support at the following locations:
For students
- Outreach and Advocacy Project
- Call or text: 503-619-7041 (English) or 971-244-3907 (Spanish)
- Offers confidential services to students harmed by dating/relationship abuse, sexual violence, and stalking, including:
- Emotional support
- Connection to community and campus resources
- Safety planning
- Academic support
- Help with protection orders and reporting options.
- All PCC students are eligible for services, regardless of when or where the harm occurred.
- Counseling Services: PCC offers free, short-term counseling to currently enrolled students (excluding Community Education). Some exceptions to 100% privacy exist, check the website for more details.
- Identity-Based Resource Centers: Women’s Resource Centers, Queer Resource Centers, Multicultural Centers, Veterans Resource Centers, DREAMer’s Resource Center
For employees
All PCC employees, including the confidential resources above, are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. Learn more about mandatory child abuse reporting.
Domestic and sexual violence community resources
The below resources are confidential and what you tell them will not be shared with anyone else with limited exceptions. Please ask about each resource’s confidentiality guidelines if you reach out to them.
- Call to Safety Hotline: 503-235-5333
- Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA): 503-288-8177
- Proyecto UNICA (Spanish): 503-232-4448
- Bradley Angle: Marsha’s Folx Program: For LGBTQIA+ survivors
- Healing Roots: For Black and African American survivors
- Sexual Assault Resource Center: 888-640-5311
- National Hotline for Deaf Survivors: Text 1-800-787-3224
- Muslimah’s United
- StrongHearts Native Helpline: 1-844-762-8438
Additional community resources can be found at crisis lines and community resources.
Rights in the legal system
Some of the options below may not require involvement in the criminal process.
- File a police report: You may call 911, your local non-emergency number, or go to a local precinct to make a report. Additionally, if you have visited a hospital emergency room this may be offered to you. See more: District Attorney Victim Assistance Program.
- Restraining order: You may petition the court for protective/restraining orders including the Family Abuse Prevention Act, sexual assault protection order, stalking, Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act. See more: protective orders.
- Civil lawsuit: You may sue the accused or other responsible parties for personal injury or other forms of harm.
- Sexual assault examination: This exam is available following a sexual assault. This is time-sensitive and must be completed at a hospital within 72 hours of the assault to collect and preserve DNA evidence. An exam may be completed without filing a report to law enforcement. Learn more about these exams at the following website: What is a SANE Exam?
- If you need to leave your job: domestic violence protections for workers
- If you need to move, break a lease, or request to have your locks changed: stalking protection order
More civil and legal resources
- Immigration assistance:
- Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services: 503-231-4866
- Lutheran Community Services NW Safe Route Immigration: 503-231-7480
- Some immigration relief may require participation in the criminal process.
- Address Confidentiality Program (ACP): a free mail forwarding service to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking shield their physical address. For a referral to this program, please connect with a confidential advocate in the Outreach and Advocacy Project.
- Crime Victim’s Compensation (CVC) Program: a program created to assist victims of violent crime with expenses associated with the crime. For a referral to this program, please connect with a confidential advocate in the Outreach and Advocacy Project.
To learn more about gender-based violence, including definitions of dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, please check out the following website: common definitions.