Reading and Writing Center resources

At the PCC Reading and Writing Center, our mission is to give you access to face to face (or screen to screen) tutoring to help you with any reading or writing task you encounter. Nothing beats working with a tutor, but we want to provide you with resources to empower you to tackle reading and writing tasks on your own as well.

This webpage is designed to provide you with resources that can help you get started on common reading and writing tasks and to help familiarize you with types of writing you might expect in different classes across the college curriculum. We recognize that writing and reading are tasks you’ll be asked to do throughout your college career, not just in classes with “Writing” or “Reading” in the title.

Videos and Tutorials

Below are some videos to help you with common assignments and tasks that you may be asked to do in any class that involves reading and writing. These videos are all made by PCC instructors.

Citation Guides and Examples

If you’re looking for information on how to use a certain citation style like MLA or APA format, use this library resource. Below are some examples of completed citation pages and bibliographies.

Assignment Examples & Resources

Below are some examples of common types of writing assignments for a variety of different classes. Please note that every writing assignment is different and each of these was completed for a specific assignment and class.  Because of this, we’re including the instructions from the teacher as well as a completed example of student work.  Use these to help you get a sense of what a finished assignment might look like. Copying these assignments and turning them in as your own work is a form of plagiarism.

Don’t Plagiarize!

Using any of the examples from this page and turning them in as your own work is a form of plagiarism. We want to help you get ideas and understand the types of writing you might be asked to do, but whatever you turn in should be your own writing and your own ideas.

Common Assignments & Resources for Reading & Writing Classes

Reading and Writing classes at PCC are designed to help you explore your writing voice, practice academic research, and prepare you for the types of writing tasks you might encounter in other classes and out in the world. Essays are very common assignments in Writing classes, but most classes also require students to compose work in other genres of writing. Below you will find a variety of examples of essays and other artifacts of writing. These examples all come from real classes and students at PCC.

Common Assignments & Resources for Other Subjects