Tips for success and FAQs

Students studying in Science Tutoring LabHow to use tutoring

How to prepare for an exam

Tutoring options

users Student Learning Center (SLC)

Tutors provide individual and/or group tutoring to clarify and review concepts taught in class, explain processes, and help students solve specific problems. Students are expected to come to the tutoring session with specific questions after having already attempted the work.

book open Reading and Writing Center (RWC)

RWC is here to assist with any reading or writing task for any subject. RWC supports students with understanding and breaking down assignments; overcoming writer’s or reader’s block; organizing and synthesizing reading assignments; strategies for drafting, with revising and editing written work; evaluating, integrating, and citing sources; writing scholarship essays, resumes, and more.

laptop eTutoring

Western eTutoring Consortium offers free online tutoring provided by PCC tutors and professional tutors from colleges across the country.


Reading and writing help


General help