News and blog posts

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Archive pages

PCC News and various site blogs have archive pages that show a feed of all posts that meet certain criteria (all, by category, by date, by search term, etc.).

When users use the “Search PCC News” or “Search: Blog Name” form, the results show in the same format as an archive page with the search term highlighted in yellow. A second search form displays above the results, and provides the option to sort by relevance or date posted.


The feeds look like default features galleries but also include “posted” date for each post. There’s a simple back/next pagination below the feeds to navigate through the lists of posts. The back and next links have a large gray pawprint behind them.

The sidebar looks like a regular sidebar navigation, but is split into multiple sections:

  • News: “What’s hot?”, archives, and search
  • Blogs: archives, categories, and search
Responsive behavior for Archive pages

Same as default features galleries and sidebar pages.

How to use for Archive pages

Archive pages are automatically created by WordPress when a site’s first post is published. Learn about creating posts.

Development info for Archive pages

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_blogs.scss

You should never need to write HTML for post archives.

Example of Archive pages

Numbered components
  1. global header, global navigation
  2. site title
  3. breadcrumbs
  4. list of stories (similar to a default features gallery)
  5. back/next pagination (simpler than other pagination types)
  6. sidebar navigation – popular stories
  7. sidebar navigation – archives by month
  8. search form
  9. footer

News archive

News archive page example screenshot

Blog archive

Same as a news archive, but with the blog sidebar (see the blog post example below for details).

Search results

News search results example screenshot

Stories and posts

PCC News stories and site blog posts resemble regular content pages that have a sidebar, but they have a bunch of different components that get added automatically around the posts’ content.


In addition to a title and content, posts have a byline (who published the post), social sharing links, and an about the author blurb. If comments for the post are turned on, they appear below the social links. If the post is more than a year old, an info callout across the top of the post warns readers the post is old and may have out-of-date information. The sidebar is the same as on archive pages.

Responsive behavior for Stories and posts

Same as default features galleries and sidebar pages.

How to use for Stories and posts

Everything outside the post content area is automatically generated by WordPress when the post is published. Learn about creating posts. Posts can use any of the media or components available on the rest of the website.

Development info for Stories and posts

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_blogs.scss

See the various component pages for details (editing the HTML shouldn’t be necessary).

Example of Stories and posts

Numbered components

News story
  1. global header, global navigation
  2. site title
  3. breadcrumbs
  4. story title
  5. byline
  6. story content
  7. photo with caption – see sizing and alignment
  8. quote (optional but common, callouts with buttons are also common)
  9. social media buttons
  10. about the author
  11. related stories (optional)
  12. sidebar navigation – popular stories
  13. sidebar navigation – archives by month
  14. search form
  15. footer

Blog post
  1. global header, global navigation
  2. site title
  3. breadcrumbs
  4. “old post” info callout
  5. post title
  6. byline
  7. post content
  8. social media buttons
  9. about the author
  10. comments (optional)
  11. sidebar navigation – archives by month
  12. sidebar navigation – categories
  13. search form
  14. footer


News story

News story example screenshot

Blog post

Blog post example screenshot