Technical typographic elements have limited use on the website. They’re generally found on instructional pages for faculty and staff, or on Web Services pages.
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Use <pre>
for embedding chunks of code on a page, while maintaining the code’s exact structure and any characters you insert, such as brackets or line breaks.
displays the text in a gray box and uses a monospace font.
How to use for PRE
Add in the HTML (see “development info”).
Example of PRE
Use <code>
for small snippets of code that you want to appear on a web page. <code>
won’t maintain your code’s structure and will put all your content on one line, ignoring line breaks (but will maintain characters such as brackets).
displays the text with a gray background and with a monospace font.
How to use for Code
Add in the HTML (see “development info”).
Example of Code
Use class="info"
for informational callouts.
Use <kbd>
for describing keyboard input.
displays the text with a gray background and with a monospace font.
How to use for KBD
Add in the HTML (see “development info”).
Example of KBD
To save the document, hit cmd + s on your keyboard.
Use <samp>
for sample output from a computer program.
displays the text with a gray background and with a monospace font.
How to use for SAMP
Add in the HTML (see “development info”).
Example of SAMP
After running the program, you will see the computer’s output.