
Most content on the website is contained in basic paragraphs. Paragraphs have been optimized for readability by using the correct line spacing and space between paragraphs.

Body font

We chose the site-wide fonts for legibility, accessibility, and similarity to college print materials.

  • Open Sans Regular, Italic, Semibold, designed by Steve Matteson. Apache License, version 2.0
  • Color: #333 ($dark-gray)
  • Size: 16px computed (1em)

Basic paragraphs

Paragraphs can include text at normal and bold weight, or italic. There is no bold italic.

How to use for Basic paragraphs

Use the “Formats > Paragraph” option in the toolbar. If needed, you can also use the “Bold” or “Italic” options. If you apply both bold and italic, whichever was applied last will be used.

Example of Basic paragraphs

This sentence is normal.

This sentence is bold.

This sentence is italic.