Features gallery

Features galleries display lists of related resources or pieces of information. They may or may not link to other pages.


Use features galleries:

  • When there are too many items to use a callout gallery.
  • When some items have more text than others (this is bad for callout galleries because some boxes have large amounts of empty space).
  • When the information is less important than that in callout galleries.
  • When you think this gallery works better than others aesthetically.
  • When listing related items that don’t link anywhere.

Jump to a component:

Default galleries use images alongside headings and descriptive text.


These galleries list the items down the page vertically rather than horizontally. They have small (90px wide), left-aligned images alongside the headings and descriptive text. The headings are slightly smaller than the default heading sizes.

Responsive behavior for Default gallery

Images are inline and aligned to the left of their accompanying text on large and medium screens. On small screens, the images move above their text and become as large as they can up to 100% of the width of the screen.

How to use for Default gallery

Use the features-gallery and feature shortcodes (no option needed). There’s a full line break (enter or return) between the opening pcc-feature shortcode tag and the image.

Use images that have the same ratio (ideal but not mandatory) and are at least 90px wide. Don’t use any sizing or alignment classes on the images.

Development info for Default gallery

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_features-gallery.scss

<div class="features">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <h4><a href="">Heading link</a></h4> <!-- or <h5> or <h6> -->
    <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
Example of Default gallery

PCC building

Convenient locations

Four comprehensive campuses, eight centers, and dozens of independent locations throughout the community offer courses and provide student services. Online Learning offers classes online, on television, and through other distance learning methods.


College commitments

Every year, nearly 73,000 students enroll at PCC, making it the largest educational institution in Oregon. These are the values that guide PCC in creating a better future for the community.

Large galleries are the same as default galleries but have larger images.


Same as default galleries but the images are twice as big (200px wide). The images in this option don’t shrink on medium screens, so it isn’t ideal on pages with a sidebar – the text will get very narrow and be difficult to read.

How to use for Large gallery

Use the features-gallery and feature shortcodes with option="large". Use images that have the same ratio (ideal but not mandatory) and are at least 200px wide. Don’t use any sizing or alignment classes on the images.

Development info for Large gallery

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_features-gallery.scss

<div class="features features-large">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <h4><a href="">Heading link</a></h4> <!-- or <h5> or <h6> -->
    <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
Example of Large gallery

PCC building

Convenient locations

Four comprehensive campuses, eight centers, and dozens of independent locations throughout the community offer courses and provide student services. Online Learning offers classes online, on television, and through other distance learning methods.


College commitments

Every year, nearly 73,000 students enroll at PCC, making it the largest educational institution in Oregon. These are the values that guide PCC in creating a better future for the community.

Right-aligned galleries are good if you want larger images. This option is good for things like staff pages, where there are images of people alongside biographical text. Using a gallery eliminates any image floating/clearing issues that can happen with simple right-aligned images.


The images will be aligned to the right of the text at 200px width. Headings (with optional links) are the same size as their non-gallery counterparts, and are located to the left of the text.

Responsive behavior for Right-aligned gallery

On medium screens the images have a maximum of 50% width so that the text doesn’t get too narrow. Their behavior is the same as default galleries on small screens.

How to use for Right-aligned gallery

Use the features-gallery and feature shortcodes with option="right". Use images that have the same ratio (ideal but not mandatory) and are at least 200px wide. Don’t use any sizing or alignment classes on the images.

Development info for Right-aligned gallery

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_features-gallery.scss

<div class="features features-right">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <h4><a href="">Heading link</a></h4> <!-- or <h5> or <h6> -->
    <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
Example of Right-aligned gallery

PCC building

Convenient locations

Four comprehensive campuses, eight centers, and dozens of independent locations throughout the community offer courses and provide student services. Online Learning offers classes online, on television, and through other distance learning methods.


College commitments

Every year, nearly 73,000 students enroll at PCC, making it the largest educational institution in Oregon. These are the values that guide PCC in creating a better future for the community.

Galleries with large icons use round Font Awesome icons alongside headings and descriptive text.


Same as default galleries but with white icons on teal, circular backgrounds rather than images.

Responsive behavior for Gallery with large icons

Same as default galleries but the images don’t change size on small screens.

How to use for Gallery with large icons

Use the features-gallery and feature shortcodes (no option needed). Use the icon shortcode with class="round round-large" at the beginning of the heading, with a space between the icon shortcode and the heading text. There’s a full line break (enter or return) between the opening pcc-feature shortcode tag and the icon/heading combo.

Development info for Gallery with large icons

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_features-gallery.scss

<div class="features">
    <h4> <!-- or <h5> or <h6> -->
      <a href="">
        <i class="fa-solid fa-icon-name round round-large"></i> Heading
    <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
Example of Gallery with large icons

pencil Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Sed odio lacus, volutpat non malesuada varius, rhoncus scelerisque leo.

calendar Suspendisse eu eros tellus

Quisque ut ipsum rhoncus, gravida neque in, efficitur nulla.

comments Nunc pellentesque ligula

Curabitur bibendum neque nibh, at dapibus lacus aliquam eu.

Same as galleries with large icons, but the icons are smaller and there are no headings. Links are optional in the description.


Same as galleries with large images but the icons are half the size.

Responsive behavior for Gallery with small icons

Same as galleries with large icons.

How to use for Gallery with small icons

Use the features-gallery and feature shortcodes with option="round-small" at the beginning of the text, with a space between the icon shortcode and the text. Use the icon shortcode with class="round round-small".

Don’t use headings. Links in the accompanying text are optional.

Development info for Gallery with small icons

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/components/_features-gallery.scss

<div class="features">
    <p><i class="fa-solid fa-icon-name round round-small"></i> Lorem ipsum.</p>
Example of Gallery with small icons

pencil Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sed odio lacus, volutpat non malesuada varius, rhoncus scelerisque leo.

calendar Suspendisse eu eros tellus quisque ut ipsum rhoncus, gravida neque in, efficitur nulla.

comments Nunc pellentesque ligula curabitur bibendum neque nibh, at dapibus lacus aliquam eu.