12000 S.W. 49th Avenue - Portland, OR 97219


Southeast Center, Tabor Hall, Rooms 143/144

June 16, 2005


Board Members Present:

Dana Anderson, Norma Jean Germond, Jaime Lim, Doreen Margolin, Karen McKinney, Bob Palmer, Harold Williams


Chair Anderson called the work session to order at 5:00 PM.

Chair Anderson reviewed the Board Self-Evaluation Survey completed by the Board in May, noting the high and low scores in each section.  Following discussion, several recommendations were made for improvements for next year's evaluation process.  The Board agreed to review progress on the Educational Master Plan semi-annually at the August and January board planning retreats.  Language in the “Board Communications” section of the survey could be clarified in next year's survey.  The Board felt it would be valuable to invite Vicki Willis to facilitate another session on board communications at the August planning retreat, and share with her the results of the Board Self-Evaluation Survey so she can make suggestions for improving communication between board members.


The work session adjourned at 5:30 PM.


The Board of Directors convened an executive session for Employment of a Public Officer, Labor Negotiations, Real Property Transactions and Litigation in accordance with ORS 192.660 (1)(a, d, e, h) at 6:45 PM, adjourning at 7:35 PM.


Chair Anderson called the budget hearing to order at 7:40 PM.

President Pulliams recapped the financial situation and changes to the assumptions used to prepare the FY 2005-2006 budget.  He reported that at the May Citizens' Budget Committee meeting he announced plans to restore funding to selected areas that had been slated for elimination due to reduced state funding.  The Committee made the following suggestions if additional state funds above the $416 million now projected for community college are allocated:  contain increases in tuition; increase ending funding balance towards the high end of the board’s target; consider a substantial increase in the transfer of capital projects funds.  The Approved Budget reflects the Proposed Budget modified as described in terms of the funding restorations and these changes are reflected in Resolution 05-102.  It reflects a tuition increase of $2 per credit hour, increases in the technology fee, student activity fee, and contact hour fee, elimination of the Block 2 reductions to academic programs, elimination of reductions in service and support areas, and restoration of funding for the eliminated executive position.  The Approved Budget did not change early assumptions, including reduced ending fund balance, one-time use of funds for the PERS bond debt service reserve, funding of approximately $1.2 million in new initiatives, reductions in academic programs driven by district-wide academic planning, and projections of a slight decline in enrollment.  The President noted that there is still not an approved state budget, so it is difficult to know if $416 million is a valid amount to base the budget on.  All indications continue to point towards this as a safe assumption, but the amount will not be known until July or August.  The budget to be approved by Resolution 05-102 reflects the minor changes as shown in the attachment to the resolution and are well within the legal limits set by the state.  These changes are based on information not available at the time the Citizen’s Budget Committee approved the Proposed Budget.



The Budget Hearing adjourned at 7:45 PM.



Chair Anderson called the business meeting to order at 7:45 PM, and asked all present to introduce themselves.


The May 19, 2005 business meeting minutes were approved as published.


Director Germond moved to amend the agenda, removing Resolution 05-097 and adding Resolution 05-103.  It was approved unanimously.


Gateway to College Update

Dr. Poppe, Vice President for Academic and Student Services, briefed the Board on the history of the Gateway to College program and reminded Board members that the Gates Foundation has awarded PCC $10 million to replicate our program at 17 sites across the county.  She introduced Linda Huddle, Alternative Programs Director, and Laurel Dukehart, Replication Program Manager, who reported on the success of the first two replication program sites in Montgomery County, Maryland and Riverside, California.  Three additional sites will open in Georgia, Texas, and at Clackamas Community College next September, and four new sites will be selected in September.  They have been developing a network of partnerships across the country with people who are seriously focused on the problem of showing high school drop-outs that they can be successful college students.  Dr. Poppe shared a promotional spot featuring the success of two Gateway to College students, and how it changed their lives.  The Board expressed unanimous pleasure and support for the work of this program.

Legislative Update

David Goldberg, Director of Institutional Advancement, reported that much has happened in the Legislature in the past few days.  The House passed their budget and approved $434 million for community college support.  They will close their session on the 26th or 27th of June, so the pressure is on the Senate to move along.  The Senate has not passed a budget yet and there continues to be active lobbying on behalf of education.  The funding amount has been bouncing between $422 and $428 million and it is doubtful that it will go higher than that.  There have been rumors that the Governor’s office has been talking with the Senate Committees about limiting the community college budget to no more than $422 million.  James Sager, Education and Workforce Policy Advisor to the Governor, assured Mr. Goldberg that they are supporting a balanced community college budget, which includes restoring $500,000 for the support of OCCWD, support for capital projects for six community colleges, and support for the Oregon Opportunity Grant to cover second year students during the second year of the biennium.  The Legislative Fiscal Office is proposing $421 million for community colleges, which will keep colleges at the current funding level.  The budget is scheduled to be discussed by the Senate at a work session next Monday afternoon and PCC has plans to do more lobbying at that session.  Director Germond asked for an update on K-12 funding.  Mr. Goldberg said there is no information available at this time on progress in reaching agreement on K-12 funding.  Mr. Goldberg said that there is no action to be taken right now because discussions are being held in private and decisions will be made quickly for approval of the budget.  Chair Anderson thanked all who have spent many hours in Salem lobbying for education funding.




Director Germond moved to approve Resolutions 05-093 through 05-096 and 05-098 through 05-103.  It passed unanimously.




Other Reports:

Michael Dembrow, President of the Faculty Federation, expressed the appreciation of the faculty for the many years of dedicated service Dana Anderson and Norma Jean Germond have given to the College.  They provided a stabilizing presence during some difficult times during the history of the College and inspired staff with their level of commitment and dedication.  He thanked them for their work and said they will be greatly missed! He presented each of them with a gift certificate.

Lucia Barnett, President of the Classified Federation, also thanked Directors Anderson and Germond for their vision, belief in the College, and dedication to keeping the College on an even keel during very frustrating times, as well as during some very rewarding times.  The Classified Federation invited them to attend the end-of-year celebration picnic.

Rock Creek ASPCC President, Kyle Cady, thanked Board members and staff for their support of students during the recent budget cuts.  The students really appreciate the work of the Board to preserve as many programs as possible and limiting tuition increases as much as possible.

President’s Report:

The President announced that Judy Schwartz, Assistant to the Board, submitted her resignation today effective July 2nd.  She has accepted employment with the Foreign Service, with the United States State Department.  The President expressed appreciation on behalf of himself, the College, and the Board for the support and service she has provided.  He said the Board will especially miss her and wished her all the best.

President Pulliams reported that he, Guy Sievert, and Lauren Kuhn testified before the Accreditation Commission in White Fish, Montana and reported there were no surprises at the meeting.  PCC responded to their recommendations and in two weeks will receive a letter stating accreditation status.  Things are moving along nicely and the President thanked all who were involved in the lengthy accreditation process.

The President said he would be sending out a monthly update to the Board to keep them informed of all the wonderful things and key activities that are happening at the College.  The update he sent out for June included his charge to the Basic Skills Coordinating Council. 

He thanked all who supported the kick-off breakfast for the Center for Business and Industry.  It was a great way to start this new, exciting effort with business and industry.  The President will be meeting with the new president of Nike and will ask Nike to become a major supporter of the College.

The dedication of the Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building at Cascade Campus is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2005 from 3:00-5:30 PM and the President invited all to make plans to attend.

President Pulliams thanked Board members for their participation and support of commencement this year; it was another great commencement and he thanked all staff that contributed to the success of that event. 

The President publicly commended Directors Anderson and Germond for their great and lengthy service to PCC.  It has been great working with them and they will be missed very much.  The audience responded with a standing ovation.

Dana Anderson announced that the Board has completed its evaluation of the President and is extremely pleased with the very good work he is doing.


Director Williams expressed his sad feeling that something good is being taken away with the retirement from the Board of Directors Germond and Anderson.  These two ladies have touched his heart in a special way as gracious queens of the human race and he thanks God for the opportunity to have known them for fifteen years. 

Director Germond said that she loves PCC and its mission very much.  All the staff are very intent on doing what is right for students, and she challenged the President and staff to keep working towards a higher plane to become even better.  She has loved the Board because it is a good and honest board, keeping the best interests of the students at the forefront.  She feels like half her heart is being taken away in leaving the Board, but wishes wonderful success in the future with the students.

“Who would have thought,” Chair Anderson said, “that 20 years later, six presidents later, and 100’s of board meetings, committee meetings and national meetings later, there is still a lot of good work being done.”  The good people doing exciting work at the College made it easy to keep committed and dedicated to continuing to work with the Board.

The Chair thanked Judy for the work she does in keeping the Board organized and looking good, and for making the chair’s job easier.  The Board will not realize until she is gone how much they will miss her, and wished her well wherever she ends up serving in the Foreign Service.  She thanked the President, faculty and staff for their clarity, magic in the classroom, and leadership in helping the Board do their job.  She thanked the students, who inspire the Board and keep the Board humble when they see what students go through to get their education.  The Chair thanked her Board colleagues for their dedication and commitment, and most importantly the bond of friendship even when there was disagreement.  She thanked the community for their incredible support of the college through the years and said that the College reflects the wonderful communities that we live in and serve.  What pulls everyone together is our vision to build futures for our students and communities by providing a unique American educational experience.  Community colleges embody hope, even during hard times and she challenged each person to hold on to that hope.  During hard times it will be even more important to pull together, to work together to build that hope for students in our communities.  She’ll be watching, knowing that the best can still be ahead.  Thank you for 20 good years.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.


The next meeting of the Portland Community College Board of Directors will be held on July 21, 2005 at 7:30 PM in Conference Rooms A and B at Sylvania Campus..

_____________________________                _____________________________

Chair Anderson                                                       President Pulliams

Prepared by:


Judy Schwartz

Assistant to Board of Directors

Minutes approved on July 21, 2005