Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Office of Academic and Student Affairs

Sylvania CC 232, 971-722-4621

student in class

PCC Learning Assessment Grants


The PCC Learning Assessment Council, in partnership with the Staff Development Office, is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for projects focused on assessment of student learning. The grants provide financial support to faculty and staff to develop and implement projects that improve the assessment of student learning outcomes at Portland Community College. The funds for Assessment of Student Learning Grants are supported by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.  These grants are awarded for projects that fall outside of the College's general fund budget, but support the efforts of the Learning Assessment Council to advance PCCs capacity for assessing student learning outcomes.

From the LAC Statement of Principles:

  • For accreditation and improvement, we must assess student learning at the program/discipline level
  • Learning is complex, multi dimensional and ongoing
  • In some cases, the assessments will be proxies for outcomes that may be difficult or impossible to measure
  • Methods chosen should be meaningful, useful, and respectful to faculty and students

This year a total of $12,000 in funds will be availablefor Winter/Spring 2012.  All funds awarded must be used by June 15, 2012.


Best consideration will be given to proposals that:

  • Involve faculty from across the district, as well as both PT and FT, in both design and implementation of assessment.
  • Are designed to provide reliable and valid assessment results (SAC assessment coaches can be consulted for design tips).
  • Show awareness of, or tie into, assessment work being done nationally within the SAC’s discipline/field, or regionally, with other colleges and universities.
  • Allow for the acquisition of materials, and supplies or equipment that support assessment.
  • Provide professional development to enhance faculty/staff knowledge and techniques relating to assessment of student learning.
  • Do not exceed $2000

Initial phone conversations with the LAC Chair or Vice Chair are strongly encouraged

Contact either


  • Grant funds are not intended to directly compensate faculty for work on the annual SAC assessment project. (Please note that 10 hours can be paid to Part-time faculty, through the Deans of Instruction. Please contact the Division Dean in your area to arrange for these funds to be paid.)Funds are not available for faculty/staff professional development leading to a degree or certificate.
  • Funds are not available for faculty/staff professional development leading to a degree or certificate.
  • Funds cannot be used to reimburse employees or the college for expenses incurred before the award date.
  • Applications that are not complete or do not follow the appropriate format will not be considered.

How to apply:

To apply for funding, simply complete the Learning Assessment Grant application located on the Staff Development Website at http://intranet.pcc.edu/resources/staff-dev/grants/staff-dev.html

The application and information is also posted on the Learning Assessment Council Website: https://www.pcc.edu/resources/academic/learning-assessment/AssessmentResources.html


Send completed Applications (Electronic OR Hardcopy) to

Hardcopy:  Scott McBeth, Instructional Support, SY TCB 116, or faxed to 971.722.4858.

Electronic: scott.mcbeth@pcc.edu 

Due Date:  

Priority will be given to Applications for the Assessment Grant program received by the close of business on February 3, 2012.

Review/Award Process:

Applications will be evaluated by a sub-committee of the Learning Assessment Council, based on the principles and criteria described above. All funds must be spent (including travel expenses) by June 15, 2012.


A final report (including the original project description, the evaluation, and the final budget report) is due at the Instructional Support Office (send to Scott McBeth)  one month after the completion of the project. Project completion date will be determined when applicant is notified of award.


Applicants will be notified of funding decisions by the end of February. Results will also be posted on the Academic and Student Affairs and the Learning Assessment Websites

Please do not hesitate to call Shirlee Geiger or Michele Marden with any questions.