This content was published: October 14, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
PCC Sylvania 2014 E-Cycle Drive & Hard Drive Smashing Event
Posted by hannah.cherry
Fall term has started at PCC, and we’re ready to help you eCycle your unwanted computer equipment! This fall, we’ll continue to have two large bins available for your discards under the stairs on the 1st floor of the Sylvania Campus library during all library hours. If you have a large load, we have student teams ready to help you cart your donations to the library. Please contact Diane Shingledecker ( [opens in new window] or 971-722-4099) to arrange for this.
If you’re concerned about recycling computers with data on them, we have an exciting event coming up! On Thursday, November 13 from 11 am – 1 pm in the Sylvania Campus CC Building Mall, we will be “smashing hard drives”. Technically, our students will be disassembling your computer and using machines created by PCC engineering students to bore a large hole through your disk drive. Come out to support this event, mark the date on your calendar, and join the facebook event to help spread the word!
Thanks for posting this information. I especially like the link to the page with the pictures of the hard drive smashing machines created by students. Question: is this service only for currently enrolled students? Or are alumni encouraged to use the bins? I live close to the campus and it would be really convenient for me.
Our e-cycling drive is definitely open to the alumni and community! You are welcome to leave your donations in the bin located in Sylvania’s Library. Thanks for continuing to support the e-cycling drive!
You may want to consider, a nonprofit, as a resource. They accept used hard drives and computer systems. The hard drives are wiped with “standard DOD” to securely delete any private information. The wiped hard drives are reused in refurbish computer systems. Refurbish systems are donated to charities.
Thanks Ying Yee for the feedback! I’ll pass the info onto the CBL Faculty Coordinator who handles the event, Diane Shingledecker. I believe she has worked with Free Geek in the past.