This content was published: September 28, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Alternative Break Opportunities for Students

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Learn! Engage! Transform! Travel!

What happens when you take a group of PCC students from Portland Oregon, most of who have never traveled outside of the state, on an alternative spring break learning trip?

The answer? Transformation. 

PCC Student Life and Leadership Programs are excited to share these opportunities with PCC students across the district.  Spots are limited and students must apply, meet all qualifications, and pay for a part of their trip. All other costs are paid for by Student Activity Fees. The application to apply for these opportunities are now open and most questions will be answered by going to the webpage.

Thirsting for Reform – Exploring the Realities of Immigration Policies and Politics

San Diego, California – January 3 – 7th, 2017
Application Deadline – October 14, 2016
Individual Cost – $350

Experience the realities of the American/Mexican border and the human and economic impact of immigration policies and politics.  The program will focus on immigration, labor practices, and water scarcity.  Participants engage in a service project as well as attend workshops.

Speaking Truth to Power – Voicing Student Issues to Our Elected Officials

Philadelphia, PA and Washington DC – March 23 – 29, 2017
Application Deadline – December 2, 2016
Individual Cost – $400

Set in the power base of the United States, experience the opportunity to influence the decision-makers who set federal policies related to issues that impact students (Federal Financial Aid, Veteran’s Issues, Health Care, and more).  Participants will lobby their elected officials and visit many of the historic landmarks associated with the foundations of the US government.

Collapse of a People – Deconstructing the Demise of Detroit and the Struggle to Regain its Dignity

Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois – March 26 ,- 31, 2017
Application Deadline – December 2, 2016
Individual Cost – $400

The heart of the US Auto Industry and Motown thrived in post war America and was called home by a prosperous middle class African American community.  By 2013, the city filed for bankruptcy with over 40,000 properties abandoned.  This program will explore social change and justice through an economic lens as well as through the eyes of artists like Diego Rivera.  Service and museum visits will incorporated into this program.