This content was published: September 10, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Friends of Trees: Friends of Trees Crew Leaders for 17-18 Season (Training Info Below)

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Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

Friends of Trees is now recruiting Crew Leaders for our Fall training dates!

Friends of Trees Crew Leaders are critical to our mission as they help teach volunteers how to plant trees while ensuring everyone has a safe, fun, and memorable experience. Crew Leaders attend a required training in the Fall to learn proper planting techniques and best practice on how to guide volunteers during planting events.

During our planting season (Nov-April), each crew leader commits to guiding small groups of planters at four or more Saturday morning plantings. Each crew leader receives our popular “Tree Team” t-shirt and is invited to attend Friends of Trees leadership volunteer celebrations. Thank you for your interest–we hope to see you at one of our trainings!


Jenny or Pablo, Volunteer & Outreach Team | 503-595-0213

About the Organization

Friends of Trees empowers people to improve the natural world around them through a simple solution: Planting Trees. Together.

About the Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

The Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter allows students, faculty, and staff at PCC a more comprehensive look at volunteer needs and opportunities from our community partners. Our hope is that the newsletter will allow subscribers to stay better informed about community service opportunities in the tri-county areas of Portland, Oregon, as well as non-profit internships and scholarships available locally and nationally.

View all the Volunteer Opportunities