This content was published: September 19, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter | September 19, 2017

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Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

Community-Based Learning Announcements

Neighbor to Neighbor_LogoNeighbor to Neighbor is a community resource and engagement fair for the PCC community. These fairs are a great opportunity for faculty, students and community partners to connect face to face!

Next Fair: Tuesday, October 3rd 3pm-7pm at PCC Cascade in conjunction with the Humboldt Neighborhood Market. Visit the Neighbor to Neighbor page for more dates across the district.

Experience Community-Based Learning at PCC! Courses with community-based learning (CBL) provide students with the opportunity to: explore local, national, and/or global issues; broaden their perspectives and enhance critical thinking skills; and become active citizens through community engagement. There are numerous courses that have CBL projects every term!

Visit the CBL Courses Page Search for CBL in the Schedule of Classes

Volunteers needed

Upcoming events
Jobs and internships

Find new jobs daily from employers looking for PCC students on PCC Panther Works

Previous postings

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Portland Community College is a politically neutral institution. Listing of any event or activity herein is not indicative of the College’s sponsorship or support of any political cause or position.

About the Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

The Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter allows students, faculty, and staff at PCC a more comprehensive look at volunteer needs and opportunities from our community partners. Our hope is that the newsletter will allow subscribers to stay better informed about community service opportunities in the tri-county areas of Portland, Oregon, as well as non-profit internships and scholarships available locally and nationally.

View all the Volunteer Opportunities