This content was published: September 20, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Cracked Pots: Hiring for Part-time Communications Coordinator (Apply by Oct 2nd)
Posted by hannah.cherry
Position Opening: Communications Coordinator
Position Title: Communications Coordinator
Pay Rate: $15 per hour
Hours: Part time position, 40-60 hours per month, not to exceed 720 hours in a calendar year (maximum annual compensation $10,800)
Work Days: To be determined, flexible. A minimum of 10 hrs per month at Reclaim It! 1 N Killingsworth
Benefits: No medical or vacation benefits offered
Dates: Application due by midnight, October 2, 2017. Position begins: November 1, 2017 (or earlier if feasible)
Position Description
Cracked Pots (CP) is a non-profit environmental arts organization devoted to waste reduction. ReClaim It! (RCI), a project of Cracked Pots, is a retail store selling objects and materials rescued from the waste stream, in order to inspire people to look creatively at trash.
The Communications Coordinator supports the activities of Cracked Pots and ReClaim It! in the areas of website management, social media promotions, mailing list management and other aspects of program marketing. Web based sales experience is desirable, but not required. This position requires self motivation, initiative, flexibility, problem solving, team work and creativity.
The ideal candidate will have verifiable experience in website management, social media marketing, and mailing list maintenance; excellent communication skills, both verbal and written; web based sales; strong attention to detail; ability to work independently and as part of a team; computer fluency with Photoshop and/or other graphics programs; and, a commitment to natural resource conservation.
This position will work closely with the Reclaim It! Store Manager and the Marketing Committee. This position is supervised by the Operations Manager/Volunteer Coordinator. All work is subject to CP Board approval.
The position is part time. Hourly pay starts at $15/hr. Hours not to exceed 480 per year (without prior approval), with a maximum annual compensation $ 10,800.
Duties of Communications Coordinator
At the direction of the CP Board, and under the supervision of the Operations Manager, the Communications Coordinator will:
Skills and Abilities of Communications Coordinator
The ideal candidate for this position will have:
- 2 years verifiable experience working with social media, website maintenance
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Excellent organizational skills and demonstrated ability to “get the job done”
- Demonstrated skills with computer programs including Word, Excel, Google docs, Google Sheets, Photoshop, web design, Square Space, Mail Chimp, Drop Box
- Experience selling items on line using Craig’s List, EBay, “Nextdoor”, or other sites.
- Commitment to recycling and reuse and a strong interest in CP’s waste reduction message
- A flexible work schedule that facilitates working from the store and from home.
- A reliable computer and printer
A cover letter, resume and a sample social media post (for Reclaim It!) and a 250 word article about waste reduction and creative reuse should be submitted to before midnight on October 2nd. Materials will be reviewed as they are received.
About the Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter
The Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter allows students, faculty, and staff at PCC a more comprehensive look at volunteer needs and opportunities from our community partners. Our hope is that the newsletter will allow subscribers to stay better informed about community service opportunities in the tri-county areas of Portland, Oregon, as well as non-profit internships and scholarships available locally and nationally.