This content was published: May 4, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

8 PCC students and faculty, Kim Smith, are members of the award-winning Hands on Greater Portland TeamWorks team!

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ESD Award
Greater Portland TeamWorks team being presented international civic engagement award by the United Nations University

This award-winning Hands on Greater Portland Teamworks experience explores the foundations and actions of the four “E”s of sustainability: environment, equity, economy, and education. In partnership with Portland Community College and the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN), this TeamWorks team unites educational seminars, service projects, and guided discussions to help volunteers learn how we can help create a healthy, just, and thriving region where everyone has opportunities to shape a more sustainable future!


Hands On GPSEN

For more information, visit:

Hands on Greater Portland