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Develop Skills, Meet Friends, Learn All the Right Moves – Get Crafty with Community Ed

PCC Community Ed

woman demonstrating wool feltingKnitting, quilting, sewing and other crafts are popular pastimes for people of all ages; even so, they are more than just fun hobbies. There are a number of health benefits associated with craft hobbies, including improved cognitive skills and reduced pain from chronic conditions. There is also evidence that taking up a craft reduces stress, improves your mood and manages anxiety.

You can easily get started with the craft of your choice to enjoy an engaging activity while receiving key health benefits. However, these hobbies usually require specific skills, and we have several crafting courses available to help you hone them.

1. Floorcloth Making

Transform ordinary flooring into art by learning to make your own DIY floorcloths. Floorcloths A-Z will teach you how to use acrylic paints to create your own unique designs on canvas floorcloth. The course runs from February 2, 2019 to February 16, 2019 and classes are held each Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:50 pm.

2. Quilting

Learn how to make your own starry quilt with a simple-to-make pattern in the awe-inspiring Quilting: Hunting for the Stars course. The course, which is open to experienced and aspiring quilters, runs from January 12, 2019 to February 2, 2019. Classes are held each Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:50 pm.

3. Papermaking

Would you like to improve the environment while learning a handy, enjoyable new skill? If so, the Recycled Papermaking course is sure to suit your fancy. You’ll learn how to make your own paper for cards, invitations, books and other projects using recycled paper and household tools such as a kitchen blender and picture frames. The course runs from January 26, 2019 to February 9, 2019 and classes are held from 1:00 pm to 2:50 pm every Saturday.

4. Needle Felting

Needle felting is an ideal way to create fun seasonal and holiday crafts. It’s also great for year-round activities such as adding borders to a lapel, flowers to a hat or decorative details to clothing items. The Pendleton Needle Felting Course, which teaches applique and sculptural needle felting, is a good place for any beginner to start. Courses are offered on February 9, 2019, and March 16, 2019 and they run from 10:00 am to 11:20 am.

5. Crocheting

Learn how to transform Pendleton wool scraps into a thick, fluffy rug in less than two hours with the Pendleton Wool Rug Crochet course. The course is open to beginners and advanced students alike, and you can attend on January 12, 2019 or February 16, 2019. Course times run from 10:00 am to 11:50 am.

6. Sewing

This course, which is created for students who are familiar with straight and zig-zag stitches, will teach you how to sew your very own panties and underwire bras. Lingerie Sewing is offered from January 26, 2019 to February 9, 2019. Classes take place every Saturday from 12:00 pm to 3:50 pm.

Crafting is a fun, healthy and enjoyable way to pass the time, make new friends, create handmade presents and even earn a bit of extra income. You’ll need some special skills to get started, but there’s no skill that’s too hard to learn with a bit of extra help. Check out PCC’s courses to discover new, creative classes that can help you get started with the craft of your choice.