This content was published: January 24, 2019. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Storytelling – Words, Movement and … the Silver Screen?

Community Ed

Reading Book Concept Winged Pages

Storytelling – it helps foster imagination and creativity; creates a channel of self-expression; builds communication and persuasion skills; and entertains and shares human experience. But is it an art form that can be developed or a natural talent that you’re born with? Many of us would argue that it takes years of practice to hone the finer aspects of good storytelling. Whether you’re learning the visual act of performance, or the nuances of great writing, our diverse selection of theatre, communication and visual and creative writing courses can help you to develop and improve your skills. Our courses are spread out at locations across the Portland-metro area. Get out from behind your mirror, computer, typewriter – or quill pen – and come join your community members to hone your art and talent in a friendly, relaxed and encouraging setting.

There are many creative storytelling performance (theatre) and writing courses available in PCC Community Education – here are a few that may be of interest:

Writing – from Science Fiction to Prose

Writing styles are as diverse as the people doing the writing – and PCC Community Ed has courses and programs to accommodate. You can Learn to Write Fiction Like a Pro, acquire support with your Science Fiction and Fantasy idea, Write the First Fifteen Pages of Your Novel, learn Nonfiction Narrative or begin that Memoir you’re always telling your friends and relations about. We have courses for nearly every variation and interest. And what natural setting beats Portland when it comes to accommodating great writing? Our city has hosted great writers including Ursala K. Le Guin, Rebecca Skloot, Chuck Palahniuk, Todd Grimson, Matt Groening, James Beard and Beverly Cleary – there’s just something magical about this place!

Many folks may not realize this – but PCC Community Ed courses begin at dates throughout a given term – and writing courses are no exception. Will we be adding your name to the list of acclaimed writers that have made Portland home?

Storytelling Through Movement and Performance

Join Angie River in this exciting course and learn to use movement and the body to create narrative, as you find new ways to tell your story. The class focuses on a variety of movement and creativity exercises to develop these narratives, including character development, story arch, musicality, and ways to express ideas and emotions through movement and dance.

About the Instructor:
Angie River is a writer, educator, activist, and performance artist who has been writing and performing spoken word poetry for over a decade. She believes strongly in the transformative powers of words and performance to help us gain a better understanding of ourselves, to build connections and community, and to make personal and social change. She has taught writing workshops and done performances across the United States, and she is also a published poet in the “Queering Sexual Violence” anthology as well as several literary magazines.


Screenwriting is one of our more popular courses – so apply early – and Join Sandra D. Boos and turn your story idea into a script! Students will explore formatting, structure and screenwriting software, and share their work in a table-read forum. They will also investigate classic films to understand how they got the green light for production. Many screenwriters got their start from taking different creative writing courses. It’s the best way to examine your thoughts and add creativity to your ideas.

Creative writing can open new doors, including learning how to channel your thoughts, breathe life into imaginary characters, and much more. If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a writer – or simply want to hone your writing skills – taking one of these three courses would be a great start. For more information on creative writing courses, visit the PCC Community Education course list to see what’s available for the Winter 2019 term today.