This content was published: June 17, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Get your garden in shape

PCC Community Ed

photo of Portland garden with pumpkin and lettuce

Calling all Portland backyard gardeners!

Do you find that your plants aren’t performing up to par? Are you encountering hard-to-grow regions of your yard, or saddened by your harvest despite a cultivation season full of hope? Are you looking at unruly shrubs and wondering how to tame them without inflicting unsightly damage?

PCC Community Ed has a revolving series of Garden, Nature & Yard classes that renew each quarter and that cover a variety of seasonal topics. Below we’ll share some of our current classes and we encourage you to check in each season at so you may prepare for the next.

Landscape Irrigation: System Installation and Maintenance
Irrigation for the Home Gardener! Learn the basics of residential irrigation system installation and maintenance including system components and operation. Gain skills to install and maintain PVC pipe, sprinkler heads, nozzles, valves and controllers for your home.

Organic Vegetable Gardening: Basics for Beginners
Excited to grow your own food, but have little to no experience? New to gardening in Portland? Learn organic gardening basics: soil care, site preparation, crop selection, planting and care techniques, crop rotation and companion planting. Organic gardening expert Jolie Donohue will demystify food growing and share her tips and techniques for beginner success.

Small Space Organic Vegetable Gardening
No space is too small to grow your own food. Learn how to grow a victory garden in containers and raised beds. Site your small space garden, select containers, build a raised bed and learn tips for which crops to plant. All gardening experience levels welcome.

Planting a Fall and Winter Vegetable Garden
The mild climate of the Portland metro area allows to grow vegetables year-round. The key to a successful fall and winter harvest is proper planning and timing in late August. Learn about a variety of successful vegetable crops that grow through fall and winter, harvesting them and storage techniques.

Troubleshooting the Organic Vegetable Garden
Did you recently plant a beautiful vegetable garden but are noticing your crops beginning to wilt or die? Never fear…organic gardening expert, Jolie Donohue, will demystify pest, disease and yield problems common in our local vegetable gardens. Students will learn organic strategies for maintaining a healthy and happy vegetable garden.

Organic Culinary Herb Gardening
Herbs are easy plants to grow in the edible garden and can thrive in a range of sites, including containers. Learn how to site your herb garden, culture, harvest and store your herbs. Gain recipes for 20 different culinary herbs that will enhance your culinary creations!

Fall Care of The Organic Vegetable Garden
Learn what vegetables and herbs to plant in fall, tips for seasonal harvest and storage, season extension techniques, garden cleanup, planting cover crops, composting, and organic methods for soil care. All experience levels welcome.