This content was published: May 7, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Opening on May 17
Posted by Christine Weber

Clockwise from top left: Gus Bertram, detail of “Eleggua,” 2020, linocut on paper, 15″ x 15”; Kate Coningford, detail of “Coming Apart,” 2020, watercolor on paper, 12″ x 9″; Estela Lozdon, detail of “Vanilla Centipede,” 2021, mixed media, acrylic painting, markers, and magazine images, 33″ x 22″; Virlie Paglinawan, detail of “Hope,” 2021, charcoal, pastel and white ink on paper, 24” x 20”; Christie Burris, detail of “My Community,” 2020, cone 10 stoneware and greenware, 12” tallest; 7” shortest x 3″ x 2″; Trina Shaghafi, detail of “Pomegranate 03”, 2021, photograph, 800 px x 1200 px; Nicole Reich, detail of “March”, 2020, charcoal, ink, water soluble oil and acrylic on canvas, 24″ X 30″; Javier Reyes, detail of “Ted Wheeler’s Career,” 2021, digital photography on a Nikon D5300, 6000 px x 4000 px
Over one year ago, Portland Community College moved to remote operations to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Since then, students, faculty, and staff have been doing heroic work from home, and art students have continued their education remotely, making work in the midst of personal, local, national, and global crises and revolutions. This has become a year of raising voices and making art – in spite of, and in response to the challenges of being alive in this time. To honor the art that PCC art students have created during this pivotal year, our first-ever college-wide virtual art student exhibition invites student artists to “unmute” themselves and share their artwork with the world.
Please visit the exhibition here Unmuted: PCC Art Student Exhibition 20/21 beginning Monday, May 17, 2021.
Join us for an awards presentation and a conversation with the juror via Zoom on Friday, June 4, 2021, at noon. (The link will be posted on the website before the event.)
About the guest juror
Patricia Vázquez Gómez works and lives between the ancient Tenochtitlán and the unceded and occupied lands of the Chinook, Clackamas, Multnomah, and other Indigenous peoples. Her art practice investigates the social functions of art, the intersections between aesthetics, ethics, and politics, and the expansion of community-based art practices. She uses a variety of media to carry out her research: painting, printmaking, video, exhibitions, music, and socially engaged art projects. The purpose and methodologies of her work are deeply informed by her experiences working in the immigrant rights and other social justice movements. Patricia’s work can be explored at
About the PCC art galleries
Portland Community College is home to four art galleries: the Helzer Gallery, the North View Gallery, the Paragon Arts Gallery, and the Southeast Gallery, each located on one of our four comprehensive campus locations in Portland, Oregon. The art galleries are dedicated to supporting education and community building through the arts.