This content was published: May 14, 2022. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Zoom Out Student Art Exhibition 21/22
Southeast Gallery

Clockwise from top left: Shane (Seven) Lanes, detail of “Maple Leaves in Bath”, 2021, watercolor on watercolor paper, 9 x 12″; Ava Funches, detail of “Self”, 2022, digital photograph, 2048 x 2732 px; Madie Benson, detail of “Untitled”, 2022, recycled clay, 4 x 3.5 x 4″; Robyn Holley, detail of “When I Am a Ghost”, 2021, digital photograph, Canon Rebel T7, 15 x 22″; Stuart Wilson, detail of “Convergence”, 2022, oil paint on canvas, 20 x 20″; Jae Rivera, detail of “Las Muertas de Juárez”, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24″; Kimi Nam, detail of “Look at me?”, 2021, pochoir and monotype printmaking, 9 x 6″.
Our Second Annual One College Virtual Art Student Exhibition is now open!
Join us for a virtual awards presentation and a conversation with the jurors, The Nat Turner Project on Friday, June 10, 2022, at noon. (Zoom Link will be posted on the website before the event.)
ZOOM OUT, our 2nd annual college-wide Virtual Art Student Exhibition is an opportunity to consider the many contexts in which artwork at PCC was made this past school year. PCC Art students continue to create in a time of great uncertainty. In the context of an ongoing ecological crisis, and our national struggle for civil rights, gender, and racial equality, zooming out can allow us to think about how the art we’ve made this past year is part of this larger, global conversation. This exhibition is also an invitation to see ourselves as connected, in our homes, our art studios, our offices, and the many other spaces where we create.
To honor the Art students who have been creating both at home and on campuses this past year, our 2nd college-wide Virtual Art Student Exhibition invites us all to ZOOM OUT and see ourselves as part of one, powerful creative force.
About the guest jurors
NTP allows artists of color to go beyond the usual initial expositions inherent in presenting art borne of marginalized perspectives to a dominant culture; allowing artists of color freedom to create or express their own language within and without the parameters of racial commodification or designation. NTP creates an environment of inclusivity, a communal harbor for artists previously silenced by institutional constraints, and actively provides priority spaces to artists of color; allowing others the privilege of viewership from an outsider role. Nat Turner Project, not just a name…
About the PCC art galleries
Portland Community College is home to four art galleries: the Helzer Gallery, the North View Gallery, the Paragon Arts Gallery, and the Southeast Gallery, each located on one of our four comprehensive campus locations in Portland, Oregon. The art galleries are dedicated to supporting education and community building through the arts.