This content was published: May 20, 2022. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Digital Art / Video Art
PCC art galleries

William Holt, “The End is Extremely Fucking Nigh,” Winter 2022, Blendr, Tinkercad, Mozilla Hubs, Mozilla Spoke
The End is Extremely Fucking Nigh was created as a reponse to building an abstract world in Spoke. My idea was to start the piece off in a Garden of Eden type of paradise and make it so that as you move through it you are experiencing the fall of man into sin (which ultimately primes them for the revelation). The beginning room is full of life and activity and after going through a narrow transitional hallway that represents the fall from grace, we are left in a barren wasteland. Even in a paradise, temptation looms and the fall is lurking around the corner – the End is Extremely Fucking Nigh. To view the entire project, click on the link in the title.

Torri Rubi, “be the piggy,” Fall 2021, digital video, 1:44 minutes
This video collage is a collection of digital collages and self portraits made throughout the course that focus on the themes of gender, race and identity; specifically representation of non-white, non-binary, queer and non- eurocentric beauty standards. To view the entire video, click on the link in the title.

Seth Gordon, “KATastrophe,” Winter 2022, 8-bit pixel art Bitsy game, It’s an exploration game, so it’ll take as long as you’d like to play it.
This is a game made with the program Bitsy. The game explores an apartment building in a dystopian cyberpunk future. The player can choose whether or not to help their neighbors. To play the game click the link in the title. Use WASD or arrow keys to interact.

William Holt, “DADDY’S HOME!” Winter 2022, Bitsy, Itch.IO, About 10 minutes to play through
DADDY’S HOME! is an exploration of child abuse through the lens of a point and click browser game. Made in the Bitsy engine, DADDY’S HOME! is meant to be a disorienting visual narrative about a young boy who is searching for his real dad. Modern day music combines with Renaissance painting to create a kind of digital collage experience that distills the whirlwhind of emotions that are ineffable to a child growing up experiencing physical, mental, sexual and/or emotional abuse. To view this browser game, click the link in the title.

Nicholas Prince, “Frogs and Butterflies,” Winter 2022, interactive narrative, 112 x 112 pixels
This is a visual narrative game using a browser game creator for a 4D art class. The prompt was to create some sort of narrative told through interacting with pixels in some way, and I opted to go for a simple approach, using only black and white pixelated characters and fragmenting away the room over the course of the story to show the progression of time.

Lee Holoubek, “Conehead,” Winter 2022, digital comic, 14031 x 9921px
This was my final for ART 217, a digital 8 page comic titled “Conehead”. It explores themes of social transition and the loneliness within that. To view a PDF of the entire comic, click the link in the title.

Xiao Zhou, “Cyber Nautilus,” digital drawing, 13 x 20″
This design came from my mindless sketch then I drew it on a PC.

Seanna Von Ins, “Cake House,” Spring 2022, digital drawing with Photoshop, 1517 x 1171 px
This drawing was made for an Axonometric Drawing assignment. For this assignment I used my Wacom Tablet and Adobe Photoshop on my computer. I started out with isometric graph paper and sketched out the outline of the drawing. The goal was to build everything off of the grid. After I was done with the black outline I colored it in, making sure to get all of the shadows.

James Seufert, “The Cosmic Bull of Taurus,” Winter 2022, digital drawing, 8160 x 6720 px
This drawing was created in Clip Studio using standard drawing tools only; pencils and pens. The assignment was wide open for us to create a “Creature Feature” and I chose my mother’s Zodiac sign.

Kandi Selix-Segers, “Anxiety,” Winter 2022, digital image (Procreate), 17.88 x 12.43″
Using the elements and principles of design that I learned in my art class, I created a drawing that was expressing feelings of an intense situation. The problem was expressed within the lines of the drawing and the rough lines were to give an intense feeling. Imperfect, but perfect in the expression of feelings and emotions. This drawing represents the struggles of someone who has a drug problem and the overwhelming thoughts of needing to help them knowing you can do nothing but wait. There’s an overwhelming feeling of helplessness when it comes to a loved one struggling with a life-changing addiction, but stepping aside and making it known you do not condone the behavior and want to give them nothing but supportive help.