This content was published: March 29, 2022. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Carolyn Moore Residency Reading Series 3: Diannely Antigua & Kayleb Rae Candrilli

Program of the Humanities & Arts Initiative

Image with photos of Diannely Antigua and Kayleb Rae Candrilli, blue background, and the words Carolyn Moore Writing Residency Reading Series Number 3 with Diannely Antigua and Kayleb Candrilli online April 14th at 7 pm PST

The PCC HARTS Council would like to invite you to join us online for a virtual reading with the two current residents of PCC’s Carolyn Moore Writing Residency: Award-winning poets Diannely Antigua and Kayleb Rae Candrilli! Diannely and Kayleb will be reading live from the Writers House at 7 pm on Thursday, April 14th.

Diannely Antigua is a Dominican American poet and educator, born and raised in Massachusetts. Her debut collection Ugly Music (YesYes Books, 2019) was the winner of the Pamet River Prize and a 2020 Whiting Award. She received her BA in English from the University of Massachusetts Lowell where she won the Jack Kerouac Creative Writing Scholarship; and received her MFA at NYU where she was awarded a Global Research Initiative Fellowship to Florence, Italy. She is the recipient of additional fellowships from CantoMundo, Community of Writers, Fine Arts Work Center Summer Program, and was a finalist for the 2021 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and chosen for the Best of the Net Anthology. Her poems can be found in Poem-a-Day, Poetry Magazine, The American Poetry Review, Washington Square Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. Her heart is in Brooklyn.

Kayleb Rae Candrilli is the recipient of a Whiting Award and of a fellowship from the National Endowment of the Arts. They are the author of Water I Won’t Touch (Copper Canyon, 2021), All the Gay Saints (Saturnalia 2020), winner of the 2018 Saturnalia Book Prize, selected by Natalie Diaz, and What Runs Over (YesYes Books, 2017), winner of the 2016 Pamet River Prize and a 2017 Lambda Literary finalist for Transgender Poetry and a finalist for the 2018 American Book Fest’s best book award in LGBTQ nonfiction. In 2015, Candrilli was a Lambda Literary Emerging Fellow in Nonfiction, and again in 2017 as a fellow in poetry. Kayleb is a Best of the Net winner and has been nominated for Pushcart Prizes (in prose and poetry) and for Best New Poets. They were also a 2017 recipient of a Leeway Art and Change Grant.

If you have any questions, or would like to receive writing packets containing poems by Diannely and Kayleb, please contact the Carolyn Moore Writing Residency Program Coordinator, Justin Rigamonti: [opens in new window]

The reading information is below. Please note that when you click the link on April 14th to join the Zoom reading, you’ll be welcomed into a waiting room until the reading starts at 7 pm.

Carolyn Moore Writing Residency Reading Series 3
Ft. Diannely Antigua and Kayleb Rae Candrilli
Thursday April 14th from 7-8:15 pm
Join the virtual reading on Zoom!