Amy Dragon Visits Music and Sonic Arts

Alessandra Genovese

Telegraph Mastering Engineer Amy Dragon gave a presentation on the art of mastering to 20 Music and Sonic Arts Students on Monday March 11, 2024. The presentation explored the history of mastering, approach of the mastering engineer, tools used, the studio and Amy Dragonits treatment, and current trends, including the use of AI and spatial audio. The students attending this event are currently completing their second term of Music Production study using Ableton, and have learned about mixing in the last 10+ weeks; this is stage two of the phases of creating a professional release. The third and final stage before a production is distributed is the mastering stage. Mastering is not currently one of the areas of study PCC has the facilities to support, and so the students benefited greatly from Amy’s generous sharing of her time and knowledge with us, and modeling for them another viable career option under the umbrella of audio engineering.


Amy Dragon’s visit was generously funded by the PCC HARTS Fund, which supports programming and scholarships that increases student access to the arts and humanities. To donate to the HARTS Fund, please go to the donation page and choose “Other” in the designation form. Then enter “HARTS” in the box that appears.