This content was published: October 30, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Disability Language & Etiquette Online Training Opportunity

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During the month of October, in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Maria Mendez, ADA Coordinator, has been facilitating conversations in the Teaching and Learning Centers at each campus. The sessions, entitled “Debunking Stereotypes and Perceptions About People Who Experience Disability”, are meant to help us analyze the attitudinal and physical barriers our students and employees with disabilities encounter in their educational and employment experiences at PCC. The goal of having these conversations is to learn how to dismantle those barriers and help create a more inclusive and welcoming educational and work environment for current and prospective members of the PCC community.

To continue these efforts, the Human Resources Department is making available to all employees a web course titled Respectful Interactions: Disability Language & Etiquette. The online course is designed to increase understanding and awareness about respectful interactions with people with disabilities.

The course uses videos that include first-person accounts from people with disabilities and provides important information on:

  • Myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities
  • Communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing through sign language interpreters
  • Using respectful and descriptive language with people who are blind or have low vision
  • Listening to and interacting with a person who has speech disabilities
  • Understanding the needs of people with non-apparent disabilities
  • The purpose and use of service animals

This is a self-paced course and individuals can log in/out of the course to complete it. It generally takes no longer than an hour to complete.

How to Register

For the next six months, employees can access the course by following the steps below:

  1. Visit the registration website.
  2. Select “General Registrant,” do not select “Group Registration”
  3. Complete the information requested on the pages that follow.
  4. The last page is the payment page. Because this course is a subscription you do not need to enter payment information. Instead, in the discount code box enter:
    PCC Discount
  5. Click “Apply” and you should see the total zero out.
  6. Click “Finish” and shortly you’ll be taken to a confirmation page.
  7. You will also receive an email containing the link to Respectful Interactions: Disability Language & Etiquette. Follow that link to the course and fill in any information it requests.

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please contact Sara Parrett at

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