This content was published: February 6, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Debaters Top-Ranked In Nation

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The Portland Community College debate team presently ranks as the top community college team in the annual national competition organized by the National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA).

"The strong showing of our team is very gratifying," said Lawrence Galizio, director of Forensics at the college, who coaches the team. "We look forward to competing in the finals in Colorado Springs in March."

Two- and four-year colleges from across the country – 139 in all – are competing for this year’s final honors. Points are awarded for performance in parliamentary debate at forensics tournaments throughout the nation.

Galizio said that scores are calculated beginning in September and accumulate a running tally throughout the academic year.

In its present top standing, PCC ranks first among all community colleges and also ahead of some well-known four-year schools – Loyala and Rice Universities, William and Mary, Whitman College in Washington state, and Linfield and Lewis and Clark colleges in Oregon.

Three PCC teams will participate in the national tournament which will be held in Colorado Springs March 20 to 24. Final standings for the year will be announced then. In 1995 and 1996, PCC’s final rank was third among all competiting community colleges.

Last year, the two-member PCC debate team competed at the international debate championships in Cork, Ireland, the only community college to be invited to the prestigious event.