This content was published: January 29, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Voices of pregnancy choices

Photos and story by

The Women’s Resource Center of PCC Sylvania is hosting a series of events surrounding pregnancy choices. The series of events will start the week of February 12th with a film series. "The Abortion Diaries" will be shown on Monday the 12th at noon in the Pine Room.

"The Giving" (about adoption and birthmothers) will be playing on Tuesday at 1pm in the

Spruce Room. On Wednesday, "Motherhood Manifesto" will be showing.

On Tuesday, February 20th, we will be hosting a panel of three to four student speakers focusing on the real life experiences of women’s responses to unplanned

pregnancy. The panel will share their stories of confronting the challenging life

event of an unplanned pregnancy and the different decisions made by each. The panelists’

stories will illustrate the individual and diverse realities involved in making this life changing

choice. The panel will also include, Grayson Dempsey, President of Backline – a

national pregnancy options talk line.

The goal of this panel is to challenge and deconstruct the cultural stereotypes that are assigned

to women who face an unplanned pregnancy and to examine what ProChoice really means.

The panel discussion will be followed by a brief question and answer session with the audience.

If you are interested in being on the panel please contact the WRC as we are currently

interviewing panelists.

If you have any questions in regards to these events please contact Natasha or Stacey in the

WRC 503.977.8101 or