This content was published: February 28, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Multiple campuses host Women's History Month events

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Numerous events are scheduled at PCC in honor of Women’s History Month. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

The Sylvania Women’s Resource Center has invited Ariel Gore, author and creator of HIP MAMA magazine, to speak at PCC. Her presentation will include readings from one or two of her books, discuss her life as a writer, and share stories of her journey as the founder of HIP MAMA. Ariel will be coming Wednesday, March 7 at 1:00 for a 50 minute presentation in CC Spruce. If you’re interested in the art of writing, come with questions and your lunch.

Ariel Gore is the founding editor of the zine Hip Mama. Her first novel, ‘The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show’ was published last spring. Her new book, ‘How to Become a Famous Writer Before Your’e Dead – Your Words in Print and Your Name in Lights’, is due out in March 2007 from Three Rivers Press. Thirty-three year old Gore is also the author of ‘Whatever, Mom’, ‘Atlas of the Human Heart’, ‘The Hip Mama Survival Guide’, ‘The Mother Trip’, and editor of the anthologies ‘Breeder’ and ‘The Essential Hip Mama: Writing from the Cutting Edge of Parenting’. She also teaches ‘The Memoir Workshop’ at The Attic in Portland. Ariel also maintains a blog. Visit her at Contact Stacey in the Sylvania Women’s Resource Center with any questions at 503.977.8101.

The Cascade Women’s Resource Center will host two speakers in honor of Women’s History Month, Cassandra Garrison on Monday, March 5 at 1pm in TH 112 and Linda Hummer on Wednesday, March 7 at 12pm in MAHB 104.

Cassandra Garrison has worked on the front lines of poverty for over 20 years. From her public policy work with the Oregon Food Bank, to her current position within state government as an Administrator, Cassandra never forgets her own struggles with poverty and hunger as a single mother. She speaks statewide on issues relating to economic and social justice, welfare reform, poverty, homelessness and hunger in Oregon. The Bill Moyer’s 2000 “NOW” featured Cassandra and other women’s advocacy work during the 2000 legislature session. It tells the story of how a small group of welfare moms and other poor women changed the lives of women and children who experience poverty.

As one of the first Nancy Ryles Scholars, Cassandra holds a MPA in Public Administration with a BS in Sociology, focusing on Community Development, and a Certificate in Urban Studies from Portland State University. She has been awarded The Steve Lowenstein Award by the City of Portland for her service to the poor and underprivileged and chosen to be Hip Mama of the Year for 2000. A fiery, poverty warrior and pit bull for the poor, Cassandra fights daily for public policies that improve the lives of poor families though out Oregon.

Born into five generations of "poor folk", Linda Hummer’s family got by on odd jobs and government assistance. Her kin and neighbors battled low wages, a lack of education and job skills, widespread work and environmental hazards and racist and classist beliefs and stereotypes. Public educators both supported Linda to negotiate new possibilities and to impose limiting boundaries in her life. She learned early that the world offered only limited and critical images of those on the bottom of the economic ladder. Art and storytelling became an important part of her life, providing her a voice to express the harsh realities of poverty and to challenge the stereotypes and limitations placed on poor folk. For more information contact [opens in new window] or 503-978-5248.

A series of videos will be shown in the Rock Creek Women’s Resource Center to honor the month. On Thursday, March 1, "The Changing Face of Beauty" will be shown addressing disturbing facts about eating disorders. Tuesday, March 6, "100 Years" featuring 100 year old women talking about their lives and strengths and then on Thursday, March 12, "The Motherhood Manifesto" and what America’s moms want and how to get it. All videos will be shown in the Rock Creek WRC – Bldg 2 Room 103 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. For more information contact [opens in new window] or 503-614-7448.