This content was published: May 11, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Alembic magazine seeks submissions by May 14

Photos and story by

Monday, May 14, is the deadline for submissions of art, photography, and writing to be considered for the spring issue of Alembic magazine of literature and art. Submissions will be accepted up until 11 am Tuesday, when the editors start making their selections.

The student editors are looking for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, black-and-white photographs, and graphic art, especially drawings which would reproduce well in black and white.

How to submit:

– Fill out a submission form and turn in your work to the editors at Sylvania CT 104 (by US Mail, in person, or slip it under the door)

– Fill out a submission form and give it to any creative writing instructor

– E-mail it as an attachment (in MS Word for text, TIFF for graphics) along with your name, mailing address, and daytime phone number to

Submission forms may be found outside the Alchemy/Alembic office at Sylvania CT 104 or printed out from the Alembic website at .

Students and faculty and staff at all campuses and centers are welcome to submit creative work. Twenty percent of the magazine is reserved for work by community members who are neither faculty nor staff nor students.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Michael McDowell at 503-977-4839 or, or contact the student editors at 503-977-4793 or