This content was published: June 13, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

GRANTS NEWS: Foundation receives 130K for fund-raising efforts

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The Grants Office is pleased to announce the award of $130,406 from the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation to the PCC Foundation. This one-year grant will support the PCC Foundation’s initiative to build capacity for private fundraising in order to increase funds available for scholarships to qualified students. This grant that will begin the three-year process of adding key staff, updating systems and strengthening the Foundation’s fundraising efforts.

The Grants Office also announced a grant award from the Japan Foundation to the PCC Libraries. This one-time grant will provide approximately $4,200 in books, DVDs and reference materials to the PCC Libraries to build their Japan Studies collection in support of the recently created Asian Studies focus award. Selected materials were based on faulty requests and will support a broad range of courses and programs across the PCC district.

Sylvania Habitat Team scores Metro grant

The PCC Sylvania Habitat Team earned a Metro “Nature in Neighborhoods” grant to do restoration and environmental education with Markham and Jackson SUN school programs.

“We hope to recruit some interested students to help us run a nature class at Markham, nature programs in a nearby park on public school days off and plan an environmental fun day during August 2007 and 2008,” said April Fong, biology instructor and Habitat Team leader.

Do you know any students who would be interested? The grant pays for SUN school transportation, lunches, gloves, plants, and other supplies, but we can offer students one-credit hour of cooperative education/field experience. To apply, email April at

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »