This content was published: June 13, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PEOPLE AND PLACES: Soon-to-be newlywed Reine Thomas leaving PCC

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Reine Thomas, Rock Creek’s dean of instruction, will be leaving PCC at the end of July. There are wedding bells in her very near future. Thomas is planning to get married and live in Salem. During this next year she will also research and write her dissertation to complete her doctoral degree.

“Anyone who has observed Reine knows she is witty, competent and very professional,” said Katherine Persson, Rock Creek Campus president. “Those who have had the good fortune to work with Reine know that she is extremely hard working, trustworthy and has a delightful sense of humor. Reine is responsible, reflective and inclusive in her decision making. All of these wonderful leadership qualities have endeared Reine not only to the PCC community but also to many working in community colleges across the state.”

Farnum joins Sylvania TLC team

John Farnum is the new co-coordinator of the Sylvania Teaching Learning Center. Farnum has worked in the philosophy department at Sylvania for eight years and has been a valued TLC participant and member of the steering committee for much of that time. Congratulations, John!

Findley named head of Rock Creek’s MMT division

Dan Findley is the new division dean for Rock Creek’s Math, Manufacturing and Transportation Division. Findley has served as interim division dean for MMT since November. He formerly worked as department chair and faculty for Cascade’s Education Program. Prior to coming to PCC, Findley gained experience in both the private and public sectors. He taught at Portland Public Schools and at Portland State University’s School of Extended Studies, and working in the field of business: marketing, technology, and training in the Portland area. Congrats to Dan!

Morris elected president of ABWA

Linda Morris, financial aid technician, was elected president of the American Business Women’s Association Portland Rose Chapter for the 2007-2008 year. She currently holds the position of Vice-President and Scholarship Chairperson. Congrats to Linda!

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »