This content was published: September 15, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Handing out fliers and buttons Tuesday at all four primary campuses
Photos and story by Dana Haynes
If you attended the district-wide In-Service today at Sylvania, you had a chance to get a bond button and a pocket-sized quick-facts flier on the bond (not that I’m counting, but we now are 49 days from the voting deadline and 32 days from ballots reaching mailboxes).
Tomorrow, the College Advancement team will spread out to Sylvania, Cascade, Rock Creek and the Southeast Center to talk some more about the bond measure, to display the tchotchkes that Marketing has whipped up for everyone, and to answer your questions. Kristin Watkins will be at Rock Creek. Jennifer Boehmer will be at Sylvania, and I’ll be at Cascade and the SEC.
None of these take-aways are advocacy pieces, mind you. They’re informational only. We’re not allowed to advocate for a “yes” vote while we’re at work.
If you didn’t attend the district-wide In-Service, you also didn’t hear keynote speaker Kevin Carroll’s rousing speech. It was tremendous, and a video of his presentation soon will be available at Check it out.
Send your feedback to [opens in new window]. And thanks in advance.